Larroque-Toirac. A water day

Larroque-Toirac. A water day
Larroque-Toirac. A water day

Sunday June 2, at the initiative of the Heritage Association of the communes of Saint-Pierre-Toirac and Larroque-Toirac, a day dedicated to water was organized. The opportunity to understand the multiple values ​​of this vital resource. A walking tour allowed you to rediscover the Toirac bridge and the Lot river and to receive technical explanations on the Toirac hydroelectric power station. A visit to the drinking water catchment of the Cirque de Bons was organized by a Saur technician, during which the elected officials of the Water Union were able to observe, on a private plot located in the immediate perimeter of the catchment, waste and materials incompatible with the site. Actions will again be taken with the owner concerned. Exhibitions on the theme of water were organized in the different village halls. The elected officials warmly thanked the volunteers who contributed to the success of the day as well as the Mixed Union of the Célé-Lot median basin, the Causses du Quercy natural park, the Saur company and the commune of Montbrun for the loan of equipment and documents. MP Huguette Tiegna, present for the event, recalled how the supply of drinking water is a public health issue for current and future generations and that the Water Plan is one of the government’s ecological planning priorities. Sylvie Rauffet, vice-president of the Limargue and Ségala Water Union, and Gilles Pleimpont, the president, added that the Union was continuing its investments to meet these challenges, in particular through renewals of the water network underway on the causses or the remote monitoring equipment of the Cadrieu reservoir.



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