Traffic lights in Vidalon: why?

Traffic lights in Vidalon: why?
Traffic lights in Vidalon: why?
Posted on June 4, 2024 by Le Réveil du Vivarais

Expected for several years, traffic lights have been put into service since May 16
in front of the fire rescue center and rue de Pourrat at the Vidalon dam bridge.

First fires set up in the town of Davézieux. Firstly towards the entrance to the fire rescue center and secondly, rue de Pourrat at the Vidalon dam bridge.

A request from the rescue center…

Traffic lights at the emergency center intersection.

A letter was sent to the town hall dated February 5, 2019, indicating that the intersection in front of the emergency center should be secured, as it is dangerous. No response was received from this letter, renewed on July 30, 2020.

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What was supposed to happen, happened, a traffic accident took place on January 17, 2022, between a vehicle from the emergency center returning from intervention and another vehicle which had not respected the stop sign.

Following this incident, another letter dated January 31, 2022 was sent to the new municipality which responded favorably to the center head’s request.

After studies and discussions, the installation of traffic lights proved to be wise. The town hall made a request for assistance from the Department for the repayment of police fines, accepted for 47%, then to the Agglo for 32%. The municipality remains responsible for 20% of the amount, i.e. 6,880 euros.

…and local residents

Furthermore, this installation also responds to the incessant demand from residents of rue de Pourrat, who have noted for more than five years an increase in road traffic in this then peaceful neighborhood. A route which has seen its traffic increase since the opening of the golf roundabout.

An impressive increase with more than 850 vehicles traveling every day in one direction, and as many in the other, thus accentuating the dangerousness of the narrow sector and the verbal clashes between motorists. The municipal team listened and responded positively to residents’ expectations.

Before the fires, several solutions tested

Several proposals were made in consultation with the town hall for various developments, such as chicanes, which were demolished when vehicles first passed through. Then, a five-week test with traffic lights proved to be the most acceptable and least expensive solution.

This final implementation represents a budget of 36,604 euros, independent of that devoted to the fire brigade roundabout.

The hope is therefore that all this commitment will bear fruit and will thus be able to temper the behavior of motorists. With the aim of restoring this neighborhood to the serenity it once knew.



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