follow the meetings of Manon Aubry, Raphaël Glucksmann and Valérie Hayer

follow the meetings of Manon Aubry, Raphaël Glucksmann and Valérie Hayer
follow the meetings of Manon Aubry, Raphaël Glucksmann and Valérie Hayer

Since May 9, Europe Day, The world runs a daily live broadcast devoted to the electoral campaign for the European elections, which will be held on June 9 in France, through public meetings and televised debates.

One week before the election, and for the last weekend of the campaign, several leading candidates are organizing meetings which we will follow in this live broadcast. Here is the program :

  • Around 3 p.m., the head of the “rebellious” list, Manon Aubry, will be in Toulouse with Jean-Luc Mélenchon. At the same time, the candidate of the Socialist Party (PS) and Place publique, Raphaël Glucksmannwill be in Marseille with the national secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure.
  • From 6 p.m., we will then follow the speeches of the presidential camp candidate, Valerie Hayer, and the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, from the Docks d’Aubervilliers in the Paris region. While the head of the Republican list, François-Xavier Bellamy, will speak from Bordeaux.

Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the 2024 European elections

  • Our content to learn more about:

Decryption. The astonishing serenity of Gabriel Attal, prime minister in suspense

Portrait. Raphaël Glucksmann, the socialist bet

Chronic. “The campaign for the European elections resembles a sleepwalk in the face of mounting dangers”

Narrative. Manon Aubry, a campaign for the European elections in the shadow of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Rima Hassan

Analysis. How did French MEPs vote on environmental and climate issues?

Video. Who are those who vote against Europe?

Explanation. The little guide to understanding everything about the election from June 6 to 9



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