Aliou Djiba of the PDS slams the door and decides to support Pastef

Aliou Djiba of the PDS slams the door and decides to support Pastef
Aliou Djiba of the PDS slams the door and decides to support Pastef

He states, I quote:

“At a certain point in life, you have to know how to take responsibility.
It was in 2009 that I began supporting my brother President Karim Wade with the Génération du Concret. And since then I have remained there despite all the injustices I have suffered there by a small group driven by their personal interests. *I have always defended President Karim Wade for the injustice that President Macky Sall had made him suffer. I cannot understand despite all the suffering we have experienced with President Macky Sall that we want to ally ourselves with his party.

Therefore, I have decided to support President Ousmane Sonko for these legislative elections. Our party mobilized PDS activists during the presidential elections last March to support Diomaye. Logic would dictate that we talk with them to set up a common list and not to form a coalition with the APR. This is really inconsistent.

Furthermore, Ngouda Dione, member of the steering committee, member of the communications committee, member of the national secretariat of the PDS and Secretary General of the PDS section of Golf Sud,

Fadel Sano, in charge of the communications committee of the PDS section of Golf Sud,
Pape Ndiaye, vice-president of the PDS section of Golf Sud, all are united in supporting the list of President Ousmane Sonko, Pastef.”



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