François Ernest Mallard – Definition and Explanations

François Ernest Mallard – Definition and Explanations
François Ernest Mallard – Definition and Explanations


François Ernest Mallard
Birth February 4, 1833
Chateauneuf-sur-Cher, Cher (France)
Death July 6, 1894 (at 61 years old)
Paris, France)
Nationality French
Champs Crystallography, mineralogy
Institution National School of Mines of Saint-Étienne
National School of Mines of Paris
Diploma Polytechnic university
National School of Mines of Paris

François Ernest Mallardborn in Châteauneuf-sur-Cher on February 4, 1833 and mort in Paris on July 6, 1894, is a French crystallographer and mineralogist. He is the continuator with Auguste Bravais work on crystallography started by René Just Haüy and Jean-Baptiste Romé de L’Isle.


He studied at the École Polytechnique (Promotion X1851) and at the École nationale supérieure des mines in Paris, before starting a career inengineer in 1856. Professor at the School of Miners of Saint-Étienne in 1859, then at the Higher School of Mines of Paris in 1872, he became a member of the General Council of Mines and a member of theAcademy of Sciences in 1890.

Mineral species described

Main works

After work on “optical anomalies”, showing that a cristal of symmetry higher could only be a regular stacking of networks of weaker symmetry, it develops its theory crystalline groups and pseudo-symmetric bodies. In 1879, he published the first volume of his famous Treatise on Crystallographysoon completed with a second volume in 1884.

In addition to his research on crystallography and mineralogy and the production of geological maps, he also carries out Henry Le Chatelier numerous works on the combustion of explosive gas mixtures in relation to safety problems in mines.

Awards and Recognition

  • President of the Mineralogical Society of France (1879)
  • President of the Geological Society of France (1885)
  • Inspector General of Mines (1886)
  • President of the French Society of physique (1890)
  • Member of theAcademy of science (1890)


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