The Sacré-Coeur lived to the rhythm of country music in Ploegsteert

The Sacré-Coeur lived to the rhythm of country music in Ploegsteert
The Sacré-Coeur lived to the rhythm of country music in Ploegsteert

Indeed, the cowboys were out, in good weather, for a few hours of relaxation for the elderly and the children of the Benjamins after-school reception at Bizet. And the bucolic setting, with a view of nature and the cows, provided a fitting setting.

Our home welcomes school children as part of an intergenerational approach, but we also wanted a project with more proximity to residents. Two years ago, we contacted the Bizet extracurricular at the Les Benjamins crèche. These are children aged 3 to 12 years old supervised by Angélique Vandeuren and Séverine Debacq. Since July 2022, we have jointly organized activities once a monthexplains Carol Poupaert, in charge of entertainment at the home. Last year, we organized a first party on the theme of a funfair. We were successful and it was logical that there would be a second edition. This time, the choice of theme fell on the western. We called on the CPAS professional workshop for the decor, Florian Soenen for communication, colleagues, etc.

Various stands were set up outside: duck fishing, face painting, games, riding a pony or horse, etc. As for the dance club from Armentières, Les Amis de la Country, it provided a wonderful atmosphere with several demonstrations of its art.

It’s important for our residents to get away from their daily livesrejoices the director of the home, Michaël Demoen. There is entertainment and families are present.



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