EasyVoyage summer vacation barometer: 1225e budget, 27% of French people leave in July

27% of French people take their summer vacation in July

€1,225 budget per person

Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur, the number 1 region for departures in France

EasyVoyage presents its trend barometer for summer holidays 2024, offering a detailed overview of the behaviors and preferences of the French.

This survey, conducted among 2,553 respondents divided into three age groups representative of the French population (Young working people: from 18 to 34 years old > 18% vs 25% Insee/ Working people: from 35 to 65 years old > 50.3% vs 48% Insee/ Seniors: 65 years and over > 31.7% vs 27% Insee), reveals destination choices, planned budgets and travel trends for the months of June, July, August and September 2024.

Our barometer confirms that the French do not intend to sacrifice their vacations despite the crisis: 82% of respondents will leave this summer. However, we note a change in intentions with more French people forced to reduce their budget rather than increase it. The vast majority nevertheless strive to preserve their budget and favor periods (September) and means of transport (car) allowing them to contain their budget. Hervé Lemoine, General Manager of EasyVoyage.

The average budget per person for the 2024 summer holidays, including transport, accommodation and activities/outings, is €1,225.

This budget distribution differs depending on the chosen destinations: those who go to France spend on average €931 per person, while those who travel abroad allocate around €1516 per person.

Among respondents, 64% plan to maintain the same budget as the previous year, 19% plan to reduce it and 17% plan to exceed it.

A notable trend for summer 2024 is the emergence of “ septembristes », vacationers choosing to leave in September.

This choice, representing 27% of departures, is motivated by budgetary, climatic and comfort considerations, making it possible to avoid peaks in tourist numbers in July and August.

Departures are thus distributed with 30% in August, 27% in July, and 16% in June. This distribution shows a change in travel habits, with an increasing preference for less busy periods.

The average length of summer stays remains moderate with an average of 13.7 days. The majority of vacationers (75%) leave for one to two weeks.

The distribution by age group shows that young working people (18-34 years old) opt for stays of an average duration of 12.6 days, working people (35-64 years old) for 13.4 days, and seniors (65 years and over) for 15.2 days.

Transportation preferences show that 76% of vacationers will use the car for their trips, favoring destinations accessible by road. The car remains the preferred means of transport because its cost has remained relatively stable compared to the previous year.

Preferred types of accommodation in France include vacation rentals (38%), camping (26%) and staying with friends or family (21%).

Destinations in France are largely favored, with Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (19.1%), Occitanie (17.6%) and Nouvelle-Aquitaine (15.4%) leading the choices of vacationers.

About EasyVoyage:
EasyVoyage, France’s leader in online tourist information, is among the top 10 travel sites with more than 3 million unique monthly visitors in 2023 and nearly 5 million subscribers on social networks. The media guides travelers from inspiration to booking with unique content and practical guides, also distributed on all social networks. The group, with nearly 100 employees, operates several sites in France (easyVoyage, l’Officiel des Vacances, Toocamp, etc.) and internationally (easyViajar, easyViaggio, etc.). EasyVoyage is also developing Webedia Travel, an agency dedicated to the travel industry, offering digital strategy and revenue growth services, taking advantage of its expertise and audience.



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