Murray still hopes to play one last Wimbledon

Murray still hopes to play one last Wimbledon
Murray still hopes to play one last Wimbledon

Andy Murray still hopes to play Wimbledon

Photo: KEYSTONE/AP/Kirsty Wigglesworth

Andy Murray remains hopeful of playing one final time at Wimbledon next week.

The former world No. 1, however, admits that he is unlikely to participate in the London singles tournament after having surgery on a cyst in his spine.

‘I would say it is more than likely that I will not be able to play singles’ at Wimbledon, he admitted on Thursday, on the eve of the men’s singles draw. A participation in the doubles, alongside his older brother Jamie, seems more plausible.

The 37-year-old Scot (115th in the world), who confirmed that the Paris Olympics would be the last event of his career, underwent an operation on Saturday after feeling weakness in his right leg while playing in the Queen’s tournament last week.

‘Last week was quite difficult. “Obviously a lot has happened as I plan to finish (my career) at the Olympics,” continued Murray, who won two of his three Grand Slam titles at Wimbledon and also won one of his two Olympic titles on London turf.

Murray said several surgeons recommended he seek treatment immediately. ‘Although the operation was not major, the problem was serious because if the cyst had continued to grow – already at Queen’s I practically lost the strength, coordination and everything in my right leg by going on the court – it is likely that there would have been other complications,’ he indicated.

The Briton stressed that the procedure went ‘very, very well’ and that he was hitting balls again. But he added that it was ‘impossible to say’ when he would be able to return to competition. ‘It’s complicated, and it’s even more complicated because I want to play Wimbledon one last time,’ he said.




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