Maignan’s blasé message after the penalty stopped… then withdrawn by Lewandowski

Maignan’s blasé message after the penalty stopped… then withdrawn by Lewandowski
Maignan’s blasé message after the penalty stopped… then withdrawn by Lewandowski

Mike Maignan openly criticized the IFAB rules on penalties after the one scored against him by Robert Lewandowski this Tuesday at Euro 2024. If the French goalkeeper stopped a first shot from the Pole, he was unable to do anything on the attacker’s second attempt during the draw between France and Poland (1-1).

Like many Internet users or supporters of the France team, Mike Maignan did not really appreciate the penalty scored this Tuesday by Robert Lewandowski during the draw between France and Poland (1-1) at the Euro 2024.

And for good reason, if the Blues goalkeeper initially stopped the scorer’s attempt, the referee gave “Lewy” another chance for a slightly too premature departure from the Frenchman. Again starting on the right side, “Magic Mike” proved too short and the striker equalized with the help of the post on his second try.

Frustrating and even infuriating for Mike Maignan, who was penalised because his foot had left the goal line, the French goalkeeper railed against the Polish star’s run-up, with two stoppage times.

>> Relive the France-Poland match (1-1)

The anger of Frenchman Mike Maignan against the regulations on penalties, June 25, 2024 – DR Instagram Mike Maignan

“While the attacker begins his 87th feint”

Certainly, from a regulatory point of view, Robert Lewandowski’s penalty is perfectly valid and complies with the IFAB laws of the game which do not prohibit breaks in the run-up. But Mike Maignan denounced these rules which he considers unfair and too favorable to attackers.

“The game must be interrupted and must be restarted with an indirect free kick (…) if the shooter pretends to hit the ball after having finished his race (pausing in his race is authorized), in which case the “the referee will warn the shooter”, thus provides for article 14 paragraph 2 of the football laws. Clearly, as long as the attacker does not fake a shot, he can run as he wishes.

“While the striker begins his 87th feint in his run-up,” the France and AC Milan goalkeeper republished on social networks. All accompanied by several “sigh” emojis and by reposting his first criticism of the IFAB laws dated March 2023.

A little over a year ago, Mike Maignan had already criticized the body when the rules on penalties were changed. “The goalkeepers will have to have their backs to them when the shot is taken,” quipped the Frenchman, a true penalty specialist. This Tuesday, this very frustrating situation for the French goalkeeper cost France dearly. In addition to first place in Group D, IFAB rules sent the Blues to the toughest part of the table in Euro 2024.

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