Airesis, head of Le Coq Sportif suspended from trading on the Swiss Stock Exchange

Airesis, head of Le Coq Sportif suspended from trading on the Swiss Stock Exchange
Airesis, head of Le Coq Sportif suspended from trading on the Swiss Stock Exchange

Zurich (awp/afp) – Airesis, the holding company at the head of the Le Coq Sportif brand, which is to dress the French delegation at the Paris Olympics, was suspended from trading on the Swiss Stock Exchange on Monday due to the delay in the publication of its annual results.

At the end of April, the holding company of which Le Coq sportif is the main asset indicated that it had obtained a deadline to publish its annual report for the 2023 financial year. This deadline ran until May 31.

But due to failure to be published on the allotted date, the Swiss Stock Exchange suspended trading in the stock, the stock exchange operator indicated in a brief notice on its site.

This suspension comes as the president of the French Olympic committee (CNOSF), David Lappartient, announced last week that “there is a little delay” in the delivery of equipment. However, he said he was “reassured” after meeting the equipment manufacturer.

Le Coq sportif, whose production factory is based in Romilly-sur-Seine (Aube), was chosen by Paris 2024 to dress French athletes in the village, on the podiums and in competition, except for certain federations such as football or athletics.

In total, the equipment manufacturer, which also dresses officials and referees, must deliver nearly 150,000 pieces for the Paris Olympic Games.

Founded in 1882, this hosiery company expanded into sport when Émile Camuset decided to make jerseys for his cyclist, footballer and rugby player friends.

From 1948, the brand placed a logo on its equipment and took off in sport, first in the early 1950s by equipping riders in the Tour de France, then in the 1960s by dressing French athletes during the Olympics. from Rome.

Airesis entered its capital in 2005 and now holds 78% of the shares.

In the press release published at the end of April, the holding company based in Clarens, near Montreux, explained that the work on closing the accounts had “had to be postponed due to various outstanding pieces of information”.

For 2022, Airesis reported a 4% increase in its turnover, to 149.7 million Swiss francs (153.5 million euros at current rates). But it remained in the red, with a loss attributable to shareholders of 2 million Swiss francs.




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