Rugby five-a-side has become well established

Rugby five-a-side has become well established
Rugby five-a-side has become well established

Five-a-side rugby is well established within the MCS, with an interesting number of licensees, who meet every Thursday evening at the Stade de Bouque de Lens, to follow training in order to prepare for the scheduled meetings.

Argelès-Gazost tournament

Like last season, the “reds and blacks” of the Salat Valley went on April 27 and 28 to Argelès-Gazost for the largest five-a-side rugby tournament in France, where eighty-eight teams spread over four categories were engaged. The “Mac Five”, with fifteen players present, participated in the over 35 category. By winning three out of six matches, they finished in the top half of the standings (11th out of 28). A satisfactory result.

Monthly meetings

Since February, departmental meetings “5 sur son 31” have been organized, the “Mac Five” went to Labarthe/Lèze in February, to Cugnaux in March, did not play in April. Last Thursday they received at Bouque de Lens.

Four teams were present, one from Labarthe/Lèze, one from Montastruc-la-Conseillère and two from MCS. At the end of fierce meetings, all the participants met at the stadium’s Clubhouse to share a meal. The last day is scheduled for Saturday June 15 (place to be designated), the “Mac Five” will be present.



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