“The tragedy of Emmanuel Macron is that he believed he could govern against the French”

AA / Tunis / Fatma Ben Amor

The former French Prime Minister, Dominique de Villepin, returned, during the Mediapart show “L’écuée”, to the “one-upmanship” which characterizes French politics today, estimating in particular that President Emmanuel Macron “has believed he could govern against the French.

“French politics is built today – all French politics is built – around a single parameter. We are a car which has only one tool, only one organ: the accelerator pedal There is no more brake, there is no more clutch, there is nothing, we only know how to accelerate. Every time there is a problem in , the answer is. is the overbidding (…) Everything has been reduced to a battlefield in which the only answer is the hammer and we drive the nail in,” declared de Villepin in front of the journalist and co-founder of Mediapart, Edwy Plenel.

“This logic of one-upmanship is deadly for a democracy,” he added.

Regretting that democracy is happening today “without citizens and even against citizens”, the former French Prime Minister (2005-2007) returned to Marcon’s mandates. “The drama of Emmanuel Macron, and what he never understood, is that he believed he could govern against the French, and the successive mandates he had, he wanted to push them in the logic that was his as a young man from a world of finance and technocracy and the start-up nation, he always believed he could push it, he believed he could be right against everyone. – he estimated.

And to continue: “All the warnings he received did not make him change his mind. He never changed his mind, he never learned lessons from what was happening to him. And by dint of pushing , to push, to push, well we are in the cul-de-sac that is France today.”

On the international level, Dominique de Villepin spoke of what he called “the confrontation of the world”, and the “battle of models”.


“Today things are tragic. We are up against the wall. We are up against the wall because we are experiencing a shock or we are going to suffer a shock that we have seen coming for years now, for which we should have prepared, which will lead to a confrontation of the world”, indicated the former French Minister of Foreign Affairs (2002-2004).

“Today here we are. Here we are before what will constitute the great battle of models: the American model with the advent of Trump which is not only Trump but all those who surround him (…) This belief in the strength of power is today without limits, without rules (…) And in contrast we have a Chinese model which is built firstly on a lesson learned from history (… ) which is firstly based on a need for the control of society”, he explained.

For him, “the challenge of today’s world is: does the universal man exist? Does the other exist? It is a certain conception of man, of the other, of otherness, of common humanity, which today is at stake, as yesterday it was a question of fighting against an unbridled American power, blind to the realities of the Near and Middle East, today. ‘today we must face an America which does not doesn’t understand the world, doesn’t know the world, but worse than that, makes fun of the world.

“Because for America, what matters is America,” he said during this third edition of “L’écuée”, filmed at the Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac museum and broadcast on Friday last.

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