Gisèle Pélicot aspired to a peaceful life, far from the media tumult. His case, that of the “Rapes of Mazan” left traces while the victim demonstratedexceptional courage hoping that the hearing of his executioners would not be held behind closed doors. A hearing all the more difficult for the retiree who experienced the most atrocious thing. For years, this mother of three was drugged, sexually abused, defiled and humiliated. All to feed a man's fantasy: her husband, Dominique. the onetook pleasure in raping her and watching her be abused by other menwhat he assumes“said the judges.
Thus, on December 19, the Vaucluse criminal court ruled. She has condemned this man to twenty years of imprisonment accompanied by a two-thirds security measure (approximately 14 years). This is the maximum provided for by French law. This one then has chosen not to appeal this conviction. A call “would force Gisèle to a new ordeal, to new confrontations, which Dominique Pelicot refuses” declared Me Béatrice Zavarro, the lawyer for the 72-year-old man.
However, in this case, he was not the only one to be tried. S'he received the heaviest sentence for having been the instigator of these rapes, other men abused his wife and were judged. Thus, after more than three years of investigation, 51 men were identified. Did they decide to appeal or leave Madame Pélicot alone?
Mazan rapes: hell continues for Gisèle Pélicot
At the end of the verdict, this December 19, 41 defendants were sentenced to prison terms. However, for seventeen of them, out of the question of stopping there. So, they decided to appeal. What does this mean? Gisèle Pélicot will have to go to court to testify, once again. To hear the atrocity of the facts, once again. To have to face the eyes of others, once again.
well that supported by his family and dozens of anonymous people who demonstrate in front of the court, this new trial, the date of which we do not know, promises to be painful for her. “She would have preferred that there was no second trial to be able to project herself definitively into the future. But she is not surprise. In our opinion, there is no reason for the decisions to be different on appeal“. This is what the victim's lawyer, Me Stéphane Babonneau, said on Franceinfo.