Morocco and Germany agree on climate and energy alliance

Morocco and Germany agree on climate and energy alliance
Morocco and Germany agree on climate and energy alliance

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Nasser Bourita in Berlin. Credit: DR

Germany and Morocco will cooperate even more closely on climate protection and the energy transition in the future. German Development Minister Svenja Schulze, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection Stefan Wenzel and Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita signed a declaration in Berlin to establish a joint climate and energy alliance. At the heart of this new partnership is a strengthened partnership on climate adaptation, the development of renewable energies and the production of green hydrogen.

During his visit to Berlin, Nasser Bourita met the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, Annalena Baerbock, during the first session of the German-Moroccan Strategic Dialogue where the fight against the climate and immigration crisis should be discussed in particular. .

The conflict in the Middle East was also discussed during this meeting. Germany and Morocco warn of an escalation of fighting between Israel and the pro-Iranian Hezbollah militia in Lebanon. They also call for accepting Biden’s plan for a ceasefire. “This is the only realistic way to get out of this bellicose impasse”Baerbock said. She added, on a long-term perspective for Gaza: “There is long-term security only with partners. Isolation is the enemy of security.” The two countries could together contribute significantly to developing a partnership in the region. “Morocco is a reliable partner for Europe and in the region”she said.

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