David Marti: “I am calling for general mobilization to defend the Republic”

The day after the first round of the legislative elections, David Marti, mayor of Le Creusot, gave a slightly more in-depth analysis of the results. Above all, he sent a strong message for the second round: “The challenge is to beat the National Rally.”

What do the results of the first round inspire in you about the town of Le Creusot?

“The results already show that the National Rally is contained, with a result below the European elections. This is a reason for satisfaction, particularly in view of the National Rally’s scores in other cities.
I also note the very low score of Charles Landre, who is the leader of the opposition in Le Creusot and who finished at less than 10% with a very strong increase in participation.
“I am waiting to see what his announcement will be for the second round and how he will position himself in relation to the National Rally candidate. It is time for him to move from words to actions.”

The candidate of the New Popular Front, Mr. Béninger, clearly did not win the votes in Le Creusot, despite the support he received. Does that surprise you?

“First, I welcome his decision taken and announced on Sunday evening. He did not procrastinate, did not wait. While he could have stayed, he announced his withdrawal and called for a blockade of the National Rally. Rémy Rebeyrotte must not miss a single vote.
That said, yes it is true, votes were missing in Le Creusot, despite a good campaign. I think that the left would have obtained more votes if it had had a socialist candidate. No one can deny it. Now it is done, that is how it is. That is what I had wanted, but the decision-makers made another decision.

Do you regret not having announced or imposed your candidacy?

“No, I do not regret not having presented myself. My duty calls me to stay in the territory, especially in the difficult times that are coming, with political instability; this territory needs stability. But he did not say in addition that I would have been retained within the framework of the agreements with the other parties.
We must have a pragmatic approach to the issues for the city of Le Creusot. It is a socialist land, which votes massively in the municipal elections. Yes, logic and political responsibility would have wanted there to be a socialist candidate. Undoubtedly, votes were lost. Would that have changed the result? I don’t know, but the score in Le Creusot would have been strengthened.”

How are you approaching the second round?

“The stakes of the second round are not people, rivalries. I have moved beyond that. What is important is the stakes, it is to beat the National Rally. As I did in 2022. Yes, it is possible to beat the National Rally, if the stakes are well understood if people measure the danger that presents itself to us, what matters is to block the National Rally. We must mobilize, really.
I am calling for general mobilisation to defend the Republic, republican values, to vote next Sunday against the National Rally.”

Are you surprised by the other results in Saône et Loire?

“Let the National Rally be in the lead in the five constituencies. In the 5th, the republican rule must prevail and Mr. Margueritte must withdraw. There is a possibility of winning the fifth. We can have a constituency on the right with Mrs. Corneloup and one or two that can be on the left and the 3rd is the constituency that can cause the RN to be beaten with a republican withdrawal that is done very well.”

What is your view of the national situation?

“I am very worried about the results of the first round. It is not a surprise to see it in the lead, but rather the number of seats that the National Rally can obtain. The Popular Front has a good result. The presidential majority has a weak score. We are heading towards a country that will not be governable. We are entering a period of political instability for France and for Europe.
If the RN were to obtain an absolute majority, then that would be terrifying. The country would fall into an anti-Republic, which I don’t want. That’s why I recalled Article 1 of the Constitution, which shows what France should be. We, the territories, we, the elected representatives of the territories, will have a role in this national cohesion, which we will have to preserve, despite everything. Given the instability, it is the local elected representatives who will guarantee cohesion. Hence my decision to stay and continue the work. I will put all my strength into it.”

Are you signing up for the 2026 fight?

“I am currently in action. As I am in office, I have to prepare for the future, not stopping at 2026, but after 2026. We are planning for the territory over several years. I am projecting myself. With my team, in the city or in the community, we have a projection. We have to prepare for the future.”

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