LE CREUSOT: The beautiful story of Titite, a little abandoned cat

LE CREUSOT: The beautiful story of Titite, a little abandoned cat
LE CREUSOT: The beautiful story of Titite, a little abandoned cat

Titite is a little cat abandoned 18 months ago. She is now 13 years old.

Contacted by Sylvie a few weeks ago, the association “L’Amie des Chats”, with the collaboration of “Mon Chat les Mines”, we looked for the feline that could suit Sylvie. An elderly, calm and cuddly cat that can accompany an elderly person in everyday life.

We went to pick her up on the morning of June 29, World Day against Abandonment, in Recanoz in the Jura.

Arriving at 9am, we met Sandra, head of the shelter of the Association Fight For Animals AFFA, and we discovered Titite. The little cat that Sandra had offered us totally corresponded to our expectations, calm, sweet, cuddly… At 11am Titite was at the vet, in Creusot, for her CBS. At 11:45am, Titite and Sylvie got to know each other. Immediately cuddles, purrs… Magnificent.

Thanks to Sylvie for adopting Titite and for making it possible on this international day against the abandonment of domestic animals to get an animal out of a shelter. Because adopting an animal means saving two animals: the adopted animal and the animal that will take its place at the shelter.

Thanks to Mon Chat Les Mines and Association Fight For Animals AFFA for allowing us to get Titite out of the shelter. Together and united, associations are stronger.

Thank you to all those who have supported us for over a year with their donations or membership.

You can now renew your memberships or join the association for 2024/2025 by sending an email to the association and paying your contribution of €5 or €20 on the payasso website

A tax receipt will be given to you upon request.



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