Primary residences on Airbnb: five schemes used to circumvent the system

Primary residences on Airbnb: five schemes used to circumvent the system
Primary residences on Airbnb: five schemes used to circumvent the system

Many owners circumvent the Tourist Accommodation Act with “principal residence” permits. Here are examples of the most common ways of doing things detected by The newspaper.

One couple, two “main residences”

The newspaper identified dozens of married couples each of whom declared two separate addresses as their “primary residence” in order to rent these accommodations on a short-term basis.

These couples often have only one Airbnb host account that manages both addresses. This phenomenon is present in all major cities in Quebec as well as in resort regions, such as the Laurentians.

For example, Myrian Gimenez obtained a CITQ registration number for a house in Laval, while her husband, Julio-Antonio Avila Gonzalez, obtained a number for an apartment in the Saint-Michel district of Montreal.

On the Airbnb platform, the lady posted advertisements to rent the two accommodations.

A couple has declared two main residences, one in Montreal and the other in Laval, and rents both on Aribnb. Photo Dominique Cambron-Goulet, JDM / Screenshot taken from Airbnb

“We can have two main residences”, tried to justify Mme Gimenez on the phone.

“There is nothing to prevent two people forming a couple from each having their own main residence,” the Ministry of Tourism defends itself.

But each one must actually live in a real place.

  • Listen to the explanations of journalist Dominique Cambron-Goulet via OLD :

One permit, several accommodations to rent

It is not uncommon to see primary residence registration numbers used to rent multiple units in the same building.

An illegal practice, according to the Ministry of Tourism.

The newspaper went to a triplex in Plateau-Mont-Royal where all the units are for rent on Airbnb. However, only two addresses have been duly registered with the Ministry of Tourism.

The three accommodations in this Plateau triplex are available for rent on Airbnb, while only two are registered. Photo Dominique Cambron-Goulet, JDM / Screenshot taken from Airbnb

The owner, Alexandre Bastide, acknowledges that this is problematic and that he should have a third permit.

The newspaper even spotted a number that was used for 9 apartments in the same building located in downtown Montreal.

“We respect the law,” said the host, named Mélissa, contacted on the Airbnb platform. Some people approach me to manage their apartment who do not live all year round in Montreal [sic]they therefore apply for a principal residence permit.”

Asked specifically about the nine apartments in the same building, she did not respond to our messages.

Permits from far away

Advertisements for housing in Montreal use permit numbers of principal residences that do not belong to them, located in places as varied as the Magdalen Islands, Gatineau or Sainte-Élie-de-Caxton.

Accommodations located in downtown Montreal are listed on Airbnb with registration numbers linked to addresses in Quebec City. Photo Dominique Cambron-Goulet, JDM / Screenshot taken from Airbnb

Basements transformed into studios

Landlords have set up small studios in their buildings, allowing them to rent out multiple units with a single permit.

These small apartments do not have a specific address, but often benefit from an independent entrance.

In Laval, a couple advertises two studios and three bedrooms for rent in a single-family house with only one door number. They can all be booked separately on Airbnb.

In this bungalow in Laval, two studios, as well as three bedrooms in the main unit are for rent, all with the same registration number. Photo Dominique Cambron-Goulet, JDM / Screenshot taken from Airbnb

This practice is prohibited, confirms the Ministry of Tourism, because in a main residence there can only be one group of guests at a time.

A city accommodation and a chalet

In the register of short-term rental establishments of the Ministry of Tourism, The newspaper has identified operators who claim to have a main residence in the city, and another in the region.

For example, a woman from the Quebec region posted an apartment in Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures and another in Charlevoix, both as “principal residence.” The ads were removed from the platform in recent weeks.

Another example is a man who runs a property in the Saint-Roch district of Quebec City, and then a chalet in the Laurentians. He promotes both listings on the Airbnb platform.



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