this idea of ​​the New Popular Front which enrages the owners

this idea of ​​the New Popular Front which enrages the owners
this idea of ​​the New Popular Front which enrages the owners

DECRYPTION – A new obligation has slipped into the left’s program which risks chilling landlords.

«It will be Cuba without the sun!», «If the left passes, I will no longer rent my accommodation» or «I have some bohemian socialist friends who are owners, I can’t wait to see their reactions“. Reading the “housing” program of the New Popular Front with a view to the legislative elections, Isabelle, Henri and Sylvain, three owners, including Le Figaro collected the testimonies, laughed yellow. “It’s a throwback to the time when the left defended squatters and delinquents!», enrages Sylvain, 45, who had to wait almost two years before recovering his accommodation occupied by a tenant who refused to leave at the end of his lease. For Manon Aubry, MEP of La France Insoumise, “Knowing that more than 3 million homes are empty, while 300,000 homeless people are on the streets, is unbearable!» The right to housing, enshrined in the Dalo law (enforceable right to housing), is sacred. It does not matter if the right to property, constitutional and protected by the Declaration of Human Rights, is violated.

If the left coalition wins the legislative elections, it therefore plans to “adopt a major law to guarantee the right to housing“. With two measures on the program that are enough to raise the hackles of owners. The first: the

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