those concerned and the amount

those concerned and the amount
those concerned and the amount
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Within a few months, more than a million retirees with modest incomes will benefit from significant assistance. Indeed, they will see, with happiness, their pension increases every month. Great news in these times of crisis.

The problem is that this measure was supposed to start a few weeks ago. But retirees will have to be patient. The latest news is that they will have to wait until next fall to take advantage of this increase that they are impatiently awaiting. Who are the seniors who have to count the days?

An increase in small pensions

If pension reform is far from unanimous, certain measures delight those concerned. This is particularly the case for the increase in the smallest pensions. Unlike the extension of the contribution period, this measure made certain French people happy.

The reform is clear on this subject. Indeed, those who have a complete career, but who contribute all their life on salaries close to the minimum wage can benefit from an increase in their retirement pension. In fact, the increase was to involve a revaluation of the minimum contributory amount (Mico) and its increased amount.

To have
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But, to date, only 600,000 retirees out of the 1.7 million concerned saw their pension increase, with an average of €50 gross per month since last September. The others are still waiting, and according to information from the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav), this wait will continue.

Increase in pensions: the complexity of the procedures

Initially, Cnav announced progressive waves of revaluation starting in the spring. However, the processing of the remaining million files is more complex than expected. The difficulty comes in particular from policyholders who have contributed to several pension funds. Indeed, this necessarily requires a detailed reconstruction of their career.

Renaud Villard, general director of Cnav, then specifies to Les Echos that the regularization of pending files will not take place before September 2024. The 1.1 million retirees concerned will therefore have to wait until the end of the summer to see their pension increased.

Despite this expectation, retirees will not lose any rights. Indeed, after their file is regularized, they will retroactively receive all monthly increases due since September 2023. Thus, they could receive a single payment corresponding to 12 months of increase.

What amounts for these seniors?

According to Renaud Villard, the average increase for pending files will be slightly higher than €60 per month. If regularization takes place in September 2024, retirees could receive more than €700 on average at that timein addition to the monthly increase in their pension from September.

To have
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Even if the wait is difficult to keep up, there is good news awaiting these retirees at the end of the summer. There are still more than a million hoping to receive this famous transfer. Remember, moreover, that they do not need to take any action to receive this payment.

Indeed, once their file has been regularized, it is the pension fund which is responsible for the payments. All that remains for these seniors is to wait a few more weeks before benefiting from the payment, then a better pension every month.



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