New Popular Front, RN, Renaissance… The true cost of the programs by Ifrap

New Popular Front, RN, Renaissance… The true cost of the programs by Ifrap
New Popular Front, RN, Renaissance… The true cost of the programs by Ifrap

EXCLUSIVE – As the first round of the legislative elections approaches, the Ifrap Foundation has calculated the programs of the three political parties at the top of the polls.

It’s Christmas before its time. The promises are raining down as the first round of the legislative elections approaches! Forgotten, the dramatic situation of public finances, the downgrading of France’s rating by the rating agencies, the specter of a financial crisis; the urgency, highlighted only a few weeks ago, of making savings in the State’s lifestyle to avoid bankruptcy; or this double record which makes our country the champion of Europe, even the world, in terms of tax pressure and public spending. These hasty elections herald the unexpected return of a tenacious and very French illusion, that of magic money; as if everyone had forgotten the lessons of the past, the turn towards austerity that François Mitterrand had to resolve after the mirages of 1981 and, more recently, the promises – untenable in the face of budgetary realities – of Alexis Tsipras in Greece (2015) or Giorgia Meloni in Italy (2022).

“Even the Prime Minister Gabriel…

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