Lena Situations, Noholita… the call for influencers to vote on June 30 and July 7

LEGISLATIVE – It’s not just the political world that is in turmoil this Monday, June 10. Since the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly made last night by Emmanuel Macron, several French influencers are calling on their community to mobilize and vote in the upcoming legislative elections. This will take place in two rounds, June 30 and July 7.

Among them, YouTuber Lena Situations, who has more than 4.6 million subscribers on Instagram. In a story posted on Sunday evening, she reminds her subscribers of the legislative dates with a screenshot of her calendar. “ WE WILL VOTE » noted (with a multitude of exclamation points) the influencer for the first round of elections, on June 30.

Encourage young people

And Léna Mahfouf encourages her subscribers to do the same: “ Mark this in your diaries! ! ! “, she captions. This call to block the far right is not the first position taken by the 26-year-old videographer, who has also expressed her support for Palestine several times. She recently participated in a forum asking Emmanuel Macron to recognize Palestine, alongside more than 200 other artists.

In a second story published this Monday morning, she responds to all those who will be on vacation on voting day, and encourages them to make a proxy by also including a link to make their task easier. “ I know it’s annoying to wake up on a Sunday during the holidays but it’s SO important that young people go and vote! WE have real power to change our future “, she emphasizes.

The story posted by Léna Mahfouf on Sunday June 9.

The story posted by Léna Mahfouf on Sunday June 9.

Reminder of the power of attorney

Same for influencer Camille Callen, also known as Noholita on Instagram. She addresses her million subscribers in a story with a screenshot similar to that of Lena Mahfouf. “ I didn’t tell you about it yesterday, but it is very important to remind you to vote on June 30 as well as in the second round on July 7 “, she insists.

She also recalls the possibility of making a power of attorney: “ I have always given power of attorney to my mother since I am often on the move, so do not hesitate to have the same thing done if you do not plan to be there “. “ I never wanted to talk about politics on my networks and even less about my opinions, but France needs us all to get up and vote! ! » she ended up writing.

The story posted by Camille Callen on Monday June 10.

The story posted by Camille Callen on Monday June 10.

The message is the same for former Miss France Flora Coquerel, who reposts for her 587,000 subscribers a video explaining the current political situation made by journalist Nesrine Slaoui. The Franco-Beninese Miss France had in the past already expressed some of her commitments, such as her fight against racism to which she returns to Current wife.

In the caption of her story, the model behind the charity Kelina, writes: “ I think we are all disturbed following yesterday evening (…) We absolutely must vote on June 30 and July 7, talk about it with your friends and family because our votes will have a major impact “. “ If you are absent on these dates, make a proxy » she adds with a link to the procedure.

Also see on The HuffPost:

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