Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1693 of Friday May 24, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1693 of Friday May 24, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Tomorrow belongs to us: what awaits you in episode 1693 of Friday May 24, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Tomorrow Belongs to Us”… Soraya and Victoire investigate Gregory’s vague past. Georges acts as a babysitter for Enora. At the wine estate, Victor gives Valentine the ultimate test.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Tomorrow Belongs to Us broadcast tomorrow evening on TF1! If you’d rather not know, don’t read on.

Friday May 24 in Tomorrow Belongs to Us…

Soraya and Victoire investigate Grégory

After spending the night at Grégory’s, Noor goes to get croissants for breakfast. In the hall, she meets Soraya who is leaving for work. She thinks her sister has come to see her. But Noor actually reveals to him that she came to see Grégory. The latter joins them in the hall and they kiss. Shocked, Soraya leaves, claiming to be in a hurry.

Soraya goes to the hospital to tell Victoire that Noor is going out with Grégory. The doctor had in fact noticed that they were close the day before when Grégory came for his dressings. Victoire also found that her story of assault was credible and she found it rather sympathetic. So she thinks Soraya is exaggerating and simply had a nightmare. Annoyed at not being believed by her friend, Soraya leaves.

She comes back home to talk with Noor and find out more about her relationship with Grégory. Noor explains that she had a crush on him from the moment she saw him. She then searched for him and found him on social networks. They started to get closer, but Grégory first broke up with his ex Inès before trying anything with Noor. Soraya ends up admitting that she doesn’t feel it. Noor takes it badly. She would have liked her sister to be happy for her.

At the office, Soraya confides in Raphaëlle who is the only one to believe her. She remembers very well how she felt when she lived with a two-faced man. Soraya is relieved to feel understood even though everyone thinks she’s crazy. She doesn’t dare tell Noor the truth because she almost lost her last year because of her affair with Gabriel. Raphaëlle, however, encourages him to listen to himself.

Meanwhile, Noor spends an intimate moment with Grégory. The latter notices that she is upset and guesses that it is because of Soraya’s reaction when she saw them together. He assumes that she wanted to enter his apartment the day before to check that he was not a dangerous psychopath. To reassure Noor, he suggests inviting Soraya and Gabriel to have an aperitif with them the next day.

Later, thanks to Martin, Raphaëlle informs Soraya that Grégory does not have a criminal record. But that doesn’t reassure Soraya. Raphaëlle suggests that she look for her ex: Inès. Soraya finds the young woman’s profile on social networks. She contacts Victoire and asks her to check if Inès was admitted to the emergency room recently. The doctor confirms that she was hospitalized ten days ago for a broken wrist.

Regretting not having believed her friend earlier, Victoire accompanies Soraya to Inès. There, she comes across her neighbor who reveals to them that Inès has not been at home since Monday. This is abnormal because she is used to announcing when she is absent. Once alone, Soraya and Victoire make the connection with the day of Inès’ disappearance and the day Soraya was attacked. The latter then assumes that Grégory killed his girlfriend…

Georges acts as a babysitter

At the Spoon, Roxane and Sara are getting ready to go for a motorcycle trip while Bart looks after their daughter. At the same time, the latter has an emergency to resolve and can no longer take care of it. Georges then naturally offers to keep Enora.

He goes back home to get his baby carrier before going to pick up Enora from the nursery. He warns Mélody that he will keep her with Lucien all day. He feels completely confident in his abilities to manage two children.

While Roxane and Sara enjoy a romantic tête-à-tête, Georges finds himself confronted with many difficulties with the two children. He ends up seeking help from Bart who joins him after his service.

Will Valentine convince Victor to hire her?

Nathan accompanies Valentine to the winery so that she can persuade Victor to hire him for the summer. The young woman comes to him with several arguments. But Victor repeats that he is not looking for anyone. Furthermore, he is preoccupied and waiting for his culture manager. Valentine then notices that his vines are being attacked by a parasite and offers him several solutions to save his harvest.

Interested in his skills, Victor decides to give him a blind tasting. To make it fair, Timothée suggests that his father also participate. Valentine and Victor easily guess the year and the grape variety of a first bottle that Timothée makes him taste. On the other hand, for the second bottle, Valentine is right and Victor is wrong. He therefore declares that he has no position to fill.

As he prepares to leave the estate, Victor is caught by his son. Timothée finds his decision unfair because Valentine has many skills that could make his business profitable. He accuses his father of being sexist.

At the Spoon, Valentine is depressed. Nathan is there to support her. At the same time, she receives a call from Victor who has finally decided to hire her for the summer.



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