Tryo: after the announced “long break”, the group’s singer makes a sensational announcement

Tryo: after the announced “long break”, the group’s singer makes a sensational announcement
Tryo: after the announced “long break”, the group’s singer makes a sensational announcement

Last April, fans of the band Tryo fell off their chairs. The band founded in 1995 decided to “take a big break“. A necessary break for the singer-guitarist of the group Christophe Mali to return to his solo career. After releasing a first album in 2006 entitled I’ll take youthis one is back with a second album entitled Human which will be released in the fall.

The opportunity for him to discuss more intimate subjects. “I didn’t think about it. I made this first solo album by doing an introspection on myself and there I write about my father, about my family, things that I had never said. […] And then, These are songs that I couldn’t sing with Tryo, they are very intimate subjects. he revealed to Bleu. But that’s not all, in addition to the album, the artist made a big announcement to his fans.

Indeed, this September 17, on his Instagram account Christophe Mali announced that a major tour was in preparation. So, he will be on the roads of France from March 2025 where he will offer a first concert in before finishing his singing tour in April in . In addition, three dates are planned in on March 24, 25 and 26 at the Café de la danse.

Christophe Mali of Tryo returns solo: he has more than one trick up his sleeve

On Instagram, Christophe Mali did not hide his excitement: “Friends, it is with great joy that I announce the next 11 dates of the tour! So impatient to see you on stage and to make you discover this new show! Roll on next year” he said.

Christophe Mali, who is not only the singer-guitarist of the group Tryo. His career is phenomenal. Stage coach on the stage of Francofolieshe has worked with Zaz and Pomme, among others. In addition, he has staged shows and concerts such as those of LEJ, Tété or Boulevard des airsAnother string to his bow, the staging of the show From right to left by Gérald Dahan.

Besides, it is with a singer from LEJ that he begins this solo comeback And sharing Last Humans with Lucie Lebrun.



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