8 characters in Aztec version

A Reddit member known as Intelligent-Story923 recently captured the attention of other members of the platform because he had fun merging two universes that have nothing to do with each other. It’s about superheroes at the time of the Aztec civilization. To create these images, he used Midjourney artificial intelligence, and the result is quite surprising.

Superheroes travel through time

As a reminder, the Aztecs are known for their impressive architecture, but also for their belief in cosmology. This civilization was located in the middle of Mexico and lived between the 15th and 16th centuries. And it is this civilization which inspired Intelligent-Story923 to transpose superheroes like Superman, Thanos, Son Goku, Hulk, Carnage, Batman, Ghost Rideror even Broly in a graphic style that reminds us of this one.

1/ Superman during the Aztec period


2/ Batman the Aztec vigilante


3/ Ghost Rider who returns to the Aztecs

type="image/webp">ghost rider>

4/ Hulk, the Aztec force of nature


5/ Thanos, the terrible Aztec titan


6/ Carnage, the Aztec devil


7/ Broly, a powerful Aztec warrior


8/ Son Goku in Aztec style

type="image/webp">son goku 1>

type="image/webp">songoku 2>

It is important to note that these images, although realistic and very detailed, are in no way an extract from an official upcoming project. They remain the fruit of the imagination of an artificial intelligence user who simply wanted to transpose pop culture characters into the world of the Aztecs. These representations of Aztec-style superheroes are only fictional illustrations, there is no chance of seeing them in such a context.

Moreover, this is not the first time that a fan has had fun diverting characters, we had already seen this previously with John Wick imagined in the universe of Hayao Miyazaki. The result was simply impressive, we really got the impression that the anime John Wick was produced by the famous Japanese studio Ghibli. There had also previously been a magnificent interpretation of the famous TV series breaking Bad in a Hayao Miyazaki style and it really made you want to imagine such an animated film. But as with superheroes, these were only creations made using artificial intelligence by fans of these licenses. No projects John Wick orbreaking Bad will not see the light of day. Fans’ imagination is limitless and thanks to AI, it is easily possible to create never-before-seen images.



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