A shocking tragedy unfolded at Malika, a neighborhood in the Dakar suburbs. Diary Sowa 12-year-old girl, was found lifeless in tragic circumstances, sparking great emotion within the community. The main suspect, El Hadji Modou Fallconfessed to being the author of this murder, according to information relayed by local media.
Questioned by investigators, El Hadji Modou Fall admitted to having strangled the young girl in her room, while refuting the accusations of rape brought against him. He tried to justify his action by claiming that he was under the influence of drugs at the time. However, the suspect’s statements are not entirely convincing, and the results of the autopsy, expected in the coming days, should shed light on the exact cause of death and the allegations of sexual violence.
According to revelations, El Hadji Modou Fall moved the victim’s body after the attack, claiming to want to change his clothes which he considered dirty. When Diary Sow’s body was discovered by the suspect’s servant, the young girl was not wearing pants, a fact that raises questions and fuels speculation about the circumstances of the tragedy.
Hours before the murder, Diary Sow and the suspect’s 9-year-old daughter were reportedly sent to buy cigarettes in a neighborhood store. When they returned, the irreparable would have happened. Meanwhile, Diary’s parents, thinking that their child was at home, did not immediately notice his absence, especially since a festive atmosphere reigned in the neighborhood because of a wedding.
The macabre discovery was made by the servant the day after New Year’s Eve. Diary Sow’s body was lying in the toilet of the suspect’s house. This scene quickly alerted the neighborhood and plunged the neighborhood into a deep stupor. El Hadji Modou Fall, a divorced father living alone with his daughter, had hired a servant to look after the child. This detail highlights a complicated family context. As investigators continue their work, the results of the autopsy will play a central role in the rest of the investigation, making it possible to verify the version of events put forward by the suspect.