Based on the observation that a certain number of companies remain without a buyer, that others need support because they find themselves blocked in their development due to lack of finances, the Initiative France network offers honorary loans to holders of project, relying on public and private partners.
During the 6th business meeting organized by the Cœur de Garonne community of communes, at HelioFrance, in December, in Bérat, the morning was enriched by the intervention of Ms. Dominique Girot, manager at Initiative Comminges, with valuable insight into assistance and support systems for business creators and buyers.
This non-profit association (1901 law) is the first associative network of financing and support by sponsors (active or retired business leaders) of creators or buyers, under the real regime (no self-employment). These honorary loans – zero-interest personal loan, with repayment from the person's personal funds – are granted following a process leading to the presentation of the project to an approval committee of around ten people. , during a thirty minutes. The agreement of this loan, studied in advance by professionals, also gives confidence to the banks. “There is a leverage effect between the contribution and the bank loan of 4 to 5,” explained Ms. Girot. Isabelle Grossin from the company Sos Flex gave her concrete and inspiring testimony on the valuable help provided by her sponsor for the development of her company manufacturing and repairing hydraulic hoses, which initially needed a workshop truck. traveling for his activity and has since opened a counter, in addition to the truck. This system is supported by Cœur de Garonne, as its president Paul-Marie Blanc recalled. The main office of Comminges is in Saint-Gaudens with offices in Rieumes and Cazères to avoid major travel for business leaders.