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Construction works on Ait Ziayat Dam in Al Haouz reach critical stages

Construction works on Ait Ziayat Dam in Al Haouz reach critical stages
Construction works on Ait Ziayat Dam in Al Haouz reach critical stages

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press – Marrakech

Construction work on the Ait Zayat Dam, in Al Haouz province, is making significant progress, with a completion rate reaching 74%, with a storage capacity of 186 million cubic meters.

This project is being implemented in accordance with royal directives and its construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

Project managers managed to reduce the completion time by more than 20 months, with the aim of accelerating the use of this vital facility, which is expected to receive the first loads of water during the current year .

The Ait Ziat Dam is notable for its earthen design, reaching a height of 71 meters above the foundations. Its area is 992 hectares, while its sloping basin covers an area of ​​521.7 cubic meters.

This project represents an important step in supporting sustainable development, since it contributes to meeting the growing needs for drinking water, in addition to its role in irrigating agricultural land in the surrounding area.

The project also helps to break the isolation of neighboring villages through the construction of new roads, which will improve the standard of living of the local population.

In addition, the dam carries an environmental and tourist dimension thanks to its lake, which should become an ecotourism destination, opening new horizons for developing the region and strengthening its attractiveness as a natural tourist destination.




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