In Munich (south), 35 flights were canceled as a precaution on Saturday evening, out of a total of 750 departures and landings scheduled at the second largest German airport, according to a spokesperson.
In France, 120 of the 1,090 departures and arrivals initially planned were canceled on Sunday. Airport capacity is limited because runways must be cleared and visibility is reduced, according to airport operator Fraport.
England is not left out. European air traffic controller Eurocontrol warned of “significant delays throughout the day” at London’s Heathrow Airport. Other airports, such as Manchester and Liverpool, had to temporarily close their runways on Sunday morning due to heavy snowfall. Traffic, however, resumed at Birmingham and Bristol airports, where the runways had been closed overnight.
Brussels National Airport, for its part, is not affected by winter weather conditions. The runways had to be de-iced, but this caused only “minor delays”, a spokesperson said.