Dakar, Jan 4 (APS) – The Senegalese Armed Forces contribute to the training and education of young people, through several projects to strengthen their skills and their patriotic spirit, in line with the Army-Nation concept, underlined the Minister of the Armed Forces in an interview with the APS.
”The training and education projects for young people proposed by the Armed Forces have a multiplier effect, notably the strengthening of youth skills, the promotion of discipline, citizenship and patriotic values,” said General Birame Diop, during this interview, as a prelude to the national clean-up day “Setal Sunu Reew”, the organization of the eighth edition of which is now entrusted to the army.
Believing that “better trained youth are more productive and capable of contributing effectively to national development”, the Minister of the Armed Forces returned to the three mechanisms for training and education of youth.
”The Armed Forces contribute to the education and training of young people through three mechanisms, namely the strengthening of citizenship and patriotic spirit (WAAJAL XALEYI), job qualification training (TAGGAT XALEYI) and training for agro-sylvo-pastoral professions (NAATANGE). These mechanisms are widely documented in the Renovated Army-Nation Concept project,” he said.
Faced with the difficulties noted in the education of young people, new trends and the emergence of social networks, the approach of the Armed Forces is therefore to train young people in civic values, as well as in the skills necessary to contribute to economic development and social status of the country.
”The training and education projects for young people proposed by the Armed Forces have a multiplier effect, notably the strengthening of youth skills, the promotion of discipline, citizenship and patriotic values,” declared the General Birame Diop.