Monique Rebetez writes about the Jura terroir

Monique Rebetez writes about the Jura terroir
Monique Rebetez writes about the Jura terroir

The Jura, setting for a collection of short stories by Monique Rebetez. Already the author of two novels, she recently published “Les Lettres d’or”, a compilation of short texts which depict history, places, animals – in particular cats, the common thread of the collection – and people. of the region. A local product? “Yes,” replies Monique Rebetez. It is very anchored in the Jura terroir, and when I say Jura, it is the historic Jura.” From the banks of the to Saignelégier, via Reconvilier, Courchapoix, Asuel or Courfaivre, readers will inevitably find well-known places and legends, on which the author’s inspiration has been grafted.

These twelve short stories oscillate between realism and fantasy, in an abundant language which willingly borrows from local speech, from patois, which also dares poetry and humor – we are thinking in particular of the text entitled “The gifts of Saint-Martin”, which plays happily with anachronisms. Initially, it was supposed to be mostly about legends, but Monique Rebetez ultimately mixed several genres.

Published in the “Æncrages” collection of the Société Jurassienne d’émulation, the short stories are illustrated by another Jurassian, Line Marquis. “I’m lucky, because Line likes cats,” smiles Monique Rebetez. She agreed to illustrate these texts, and she did so in the spirit of these stories, with great finesse and humor.”

The cats, in fact, are characters in their own right in each of the stories, sometimes actors, sometimes observers. This is because the author loves this animal, and is sensitive to its symbolism.

The author, now established in Courtételle, has been in turn an art glassmaker, a press correspondent, a proofreader and a teacher. She started writing a few years ago and has since published two novels. She also compares writing to working with glass, through the numerous treatments necessary before the final result is revealed.

You will find more information about the author and her writings, as well as extracts in audio version, on the Monique Rebetez website. /lad




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