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call to strengthen marriage and reduce divorce

call to strengthen marriage and reduce divorce
call to strengthen marriage and reduce divorce

The head of the association invited the authorities to investigate the causes of reluctance to marry, to train future brides and grooms and to put in place financial and tax incentives for the first years of the first marriage. Rabbah also called for measures to be introduced to reduce cases of divorce, to better regulate amicable divorce to avoid abuse, and to guarantee the rights of both parties after divorce, in particular alimony, custody of children as well as their protection against any form of violence or exploitation in the event of the remarriage of one of the parents.

The former leader of the Justice and Development Party (PJD) also insisted on the need for the government and the Superior Council of Ulemas to inform public opinion on the ins and outs of the reform of the Code of family in order to dispel misunderstandings. Rabbah did not fail to urge the authorities to take into account constructive proposals and contributions with a view to a more egalitarian Family Code that respects the rights of women and children.

To read: Reform of the Family Code in Morocco: towards perfect equality between men and women?

In this dynamic, its association organized an online conference dedicated to the Family Code. Objective, to discuss the concerns raised in the conclusions of the commission responsible for the reform of the Moudawana. Moroccan and foreign specialists, notably from , Poland, Spain, the United States, Canada, Belgium, Qatar, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and the United Kingdom, took an active part in these meetings during from which a call was launched to promote marriage, consolidate family values ​​and combat family disintegration.

At the end of the discussions, the association recommended the protection of minors against marginalization, exploitation and deviance, the care by the State of orphans and children from poor families, as well as their support on the plans educational and religious. She also proposed the creation of psychological support centers and programs for children of divorced people, widows and children born out of wedlock, also inviting public opinion not to draw hasty conclusions before the adoption of the law. new Moudawana.




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