2024 Legislative Elections in Gers: Reactions of Gers Candidates and Elected Officials After the Results of the First Round

2024 Legislative Elections in Gers: Reactions of Gers Candidates and Elected Officials After the Results of the First Round
2024 Legislative Elections in Gers: Reactions of Gers Candidates and Elected Officials After the Results of the First Round

the essential
Elected Gers residents or candidates during these early legislative elections, they react to the results of the first round in the two Gers constituencies.

Reminder: in the 1st constituency of Gers, Jean-René Cazeneuve (Renaissance) will face Jean-Luc Yelma (RN) alone after the withdrawal of Pascal Levieux (LFI/NFP) who came in 3rd position. In the 2nd constituency, David Taupiac achieved a very good score (45.80%) but will have to confirm his re-election in the second round against Alice Cendré (RN).

Barbara Neto (mayor of Vic-Fezensac, president of LR 32)

Barbara Neto.

“Disappointed, yes and no. We are on a fairly expected result, which responds to a national logic. People chose the RN NFP duel, it is the same in our 2nd constituency. I am quite proud of this honorable result, with a republican right that has a clear discourse and that holds firm. A new vision of the right has been heard, to rebuild it. I remain faithful to what I have always said and done until now. Voting instructions are outdated, the votes do not belong to me, people are responsible, and I call on them to vote for the one they consider most capable of defending Gers and France.”

Franck Montaugé (senator from Gers, Socialist Party):

“I salute the civic behavior of the Gersois who expressed themselves for this 1st round. I have always considered that the political philosophy of the FN then the RN, neither republican nor democratic, is dangerous! Withdrawals in the second round are self-evident to defend the French Republic which will greatly need it in the years to come. It will also be necessary to analyze, understand and respond concretely to the great social unrest which has continued to develop everywhere for decades.

Alice Cendré (National Rally candidate in the 2nd constituency)

Alice Ash.

“The French want change, there is momentum behind us. Nothing is decided in this constituency. We are continuing our momentum from the European elections.”

Alain Duffourg (senator of Gers, Union of Democrats and Independents)

“We thought that Barbara Neto could be present in the 2nd round. From this point of view, her defeat in the 2nd district is a disappointment, even if David Taupiac’s score is not a surprise. For the 1st district, I I was pleasantly surprised that Mr. Cazeneuve resists in this way. Mr. Yelma’s score is in line with national predictions. Today, with the withdrawal of the New Popular Front in favor of Mr. Cazeneuve, I think that the fight will be. close. The very high participation, surprising, and the scores reflect a very strong dissatisfaction of the Gersois with regard to the government’s policy.

Philippe Dupouy (president of the Gers Departmental Council)

“In the 2nd constituency, I had the secret hope that the ballot would be settled in the first round, it was a close call but there will be a second round. And I therefore call on voters to renew their confidence in David Taupiac. For the 1st constituency, the priority is to block the extreme right An election is never a foregone conclusion and I call on the Gersois to mobilize, to vote. a Republican surge: two out of three French people voted for candidates outside the extreme right. Next Sunday, voters have the cards in hand to block the extreme right in the Gers.”

Read also :
Legislative elections 2024 in the Gers: a rally at Place de la Libération in Auch against the far right

Jean-Luc Davezac (candidate for Bastir Occitanie in the 2nd constituency)

“It’s pretty much the result I expected. I’m pleased to see that some voters voted outside the three big groups. I’m not unhappy to have exceeded 2% (Editor’s note: 2.45% ). In our constituency, we put Reconquest behind us, as well as in several other constituencies in the country, and it is a satisfaction. We did well to try. I think the people who voted for me will. naturally refer to the candidacy of David Taupiac.”

Alexis Boudaud Anduaga (candidate The Ecologists, Independent Ecologist Movement, 1st constituency)

Alexis Boudaud Anduaga.

“We environmentalists, regionalists, free and independents are delighted with the scale of participation in the early legislative elections. Unprecedented since 1981. This extraordinary situation obliges us. France has done its duty, all French political movements must now do the same. We have no voting instructions to transmit today in the face of this massive participation of the electorate which is taking its responsibilities. On the other hand, we are unambiguously blocking the far right in Gers where the latter remains present in the second round. The politicians – who have put our country in this state – are permanently discredited and we call for an urgent democratic renewal.”



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