BREST 2024. Belem, Thalassa, Hydrograaf… the most prestigious ships in the world will be present at the Maritime Festival from July 12 to 17

BREST 2024. Belem, Thalassa, Hydrograaf… the most prestigious ships in the world will be present at the Maritime Festival from July 12 to 17
BREST 2024. Belem, Thalassa, Hydrograaf… the most prestigious ships in the world will be present at the Maritime Festival from July 12 to 17

A flotilla of over 1,000 boats in the bay, it is a unique opportunity to visit the most beautiful ships in the world and embrace the diversity of maritime cultures, during the Brest Maritime Festival 2024, from July 12 to 17. We present the eight great ships to explore.

More than 1,000 boats from all over the world will be gathered. Scientific, recreational or unusual, don’t miss the exceptional opportunity to climb aboard the stars of the maritime festivals.

Accessible by deck visit, eight large ships will be available to visit during the Brest 2024 Maritime Festival, free of charge and without prior reservation.

A 58-metre-long French three-masted ship. The last of the great 19th-century merchant sailing ships still in operation, currently used for sailing lessons. This is the one who carried the Olympic flame from Athens in Marseille.

During the Brest maritime festivals, from July 12 to 17, 2024, visitors will be able to walk along the Belem bridge, one of the last large merchant sailing ships of the 19th century.


  • The Santa Maria Manuela (1937)

A 68-metre-long Portuguese four-masted ship. A survivor from the era of the great Portuguese fishing ships, now a training ship.

A 70-metre-long Dutch three-masted ship. Moored during the holidays at the Quai Crédit Agricole de Bretagne.

A tripartite minehunter (CMT). This type of ship was designed during the Cold War to counter mine laying, which the Soviets specialized in. At the end of 2020, the Andromeda became the first military ship in history to sail with a propeller manufactured using 3D printing.

Another tripartite mine hunter (CMT). It makes of the four new metropolitan support vessels (BSAM, ex-BSAH) of the French Navy. Ships intended for support for naval forces, in France or abroad, for maritime works and the protection of property and people.

A ship from the Department of Underwater and Submarine Archaeological Research (DRASSM) dedicated to archaeological research.

A boat from the French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) operated by Ifremer, dedicated to scientific research in the marine environment.

During the Brest maritime festivals, from July 12 to 17, 2024, visitors will be able to discover the Thalassa, a boat of the French Oceanographic Fleet (FOF) operated by Ifremer, dedicated to scientific research in the marine environment.


An unusual Dutch ship, which once served as a hydrographer for the Royal Netherlands Navy.

All these boats are expected at the dock in the coming days.



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