Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Neuville-sur-Sarthe (72190) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Neuville-sur-Sarthe (72190) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Neuville-sur-Sarthe (72190) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:48 – The Popular Front could count between 20% and 24% in Neuville-sur-Sarthe during this first round

The other question that accompanies these legislative elections will be that of the choice of left-wing voters after the creation of the Popular Front. In the European elections, Raphaël Glucksmann gleaned 14.18% in Neuville-sur-Sarthe. But the result of the left will obviously depend this time also on the voters of the rebellious Manon Aubry (3.48%), Marie Toussaint (5.35%) or even those of Léon Deffontaine (2.32%) on June 9. In other words, a total of around 24% on site. During the first round of the Assembly elections two years ago, in Neuville-sur-Sarthe, the Nupes pair also obtained 20.17% of the votes in the locality. A performance to finally be compared with the 22% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election, i.e. the accumulation of Mélenchon-Roussel-Jadot-Hidalgo votes.

18:42 – 14 points gained in 5 years by the far right in Neuville-sur-Sarthe

It is difficult to find a clear line in all these results. But clues are appearing… The progress of the RN, which already amounts to 14 points in Neuville-sur-Sarthe between its share of vote in the 2019 European elections and the election of June 9, is notable. The movement indeed seems to have risen more quickly at the local level than at the national level, the results in France giving Jordan Bardella’s list rather 8 points more in 2024 than in 2019. By extrapolating, we can therefore deduce that the RN will be at nearly 26% or more here on June 30, for the first round of the legislative elections.

15:31 – What result for the European elections in Neuville-sur-Sarthe on June 9?

What the elections said even more recently is historic. Looking at the last electoral experience therefore also appears wise when analyzing the vote in these legislative elections. If we look at the details, the RN list, headed by Jordan Bardella, won the 2024 European elections in Neuville-sur-Sarthe. The movement recorded 35.68% of the vote, or 400 votes, against Valérie Hayer at 16.86% and Raphaël Glucksmann at 14.18%.

14:32 – Which candidate won the presidential election in 2022 in Neuville-sur-Sarthe?

The presidential election is probably the reference for best understanding a local political trend. Marine Le Pen was relegated to second place in the first round of the 2022 presidential election in the city with 22.55% against 32.97% for Emmanuel Macron. Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Valérie Pécresse finished at the foot of this podium with 15.95% and 6.8% of the vote respectively. And the leader of the RN did not create a surprise in the second round, with 37.46% against 62.54%.

12:32 – A presidential majority still favorite this evening?

The RN did not convince in the commune of Neuville-sur-Sarthe two years ago, during the Parliamentary elections, with 18.72% in the first round, against 32.89% for Jean-Carles Grelier (LREM) , Neuville-sur-Sarthe voting for the 5th constituency of Sarthe. The party will also be absent, in the municipality at least, in the second round.

11:02 – Neuville-sur-Sarthe: analysis of socio-economic and electoral factors

The demographic diversity and socio-economic realities of Neuville-sur-Sarthe help shape voters’ interests and concerns, and therefore their influence on the legislative elections. In the city, 18.57% of residents are children, and 6.3% are elderly. The demographic pyramid can influence the priorities of measures, particularly in terms of education and health care. The percentage of households without a car (13.61%) highlights a reduced dependence on cars. This factor could impact the 1,002 voters on issues of transport and road development. The number of CAF beneficiaries (13.61%) highlights the need for family support, while the percentage of employees on fixed-term contracts (6.11%) highlights issues of job stability. Education figures in Neuville-sur-Sarthe highlight notable disparities in education levels, with 19.25% of residents having only obtained the baccalaureate for example. It is essential to ensure that French policies adapt to local realities.

09:32 – Neuville-sur-Sarthe: the mobilization of residents in the legislative elections

In Neuville-sur-Sarthe (72190), one of the great unknowns of this 2024 legislative election will undoubtedly be the extent of abstention. For the record, in the locality, abstention in the 2022 legislative elections reached 50.05% in the first round and only 49.9% in the second round. Across France, participation was already analyzed in June 2022. It reached 18.43% at 12 p.m. and only 39.42% at 5 p.m. for the first round. In April 2022, in the second round of the last presidential election, 18.32% of registered voters in the locality deserted the polls. The abstention rate was 19.52% in the first round.

08:02 – Until what time to vote in Neuville-sur-Sarthe?

During the 2024 legislative elections, the 577 deputies of the Legislative Assembly will be designated by a two-round single-member ballot. More specifically, on June 30, 2024, the 2,006 voters of Neuville-sur-Sarthe must vote on the different candidates in their legislative constituency. In 2022, the election resulted in a heterogeneous parliament, without an absolute majority. This election is the ideal opportunity for the RN candidates to promote their ideas to the voters of the commune. Also note that the 2 polling stations in the commune of Neuville-sur-Sarthe are closing their doors at 18 hours. The publication of the results of the first round in Neuville-sur-Sarthe will take place here from 8 p.m.



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