Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Vernon (27200) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Vernon (27200) – 1st round [PUBLIE]
Result of the 2024 legislative elections in Vernon (27200) – 1st round [PUBLIE]

19:52 – A forecast of 26% to 34% for the left in Vernon

While the New Popular and Social Union had marked the previous legislative elections, but will not have lasted more than two years, it is the Popular Front which is presenting itself in 2024. Which leaves doubt about the left vote in the urns. The Glucksmann list, supported by the PS, obtained 13.35% in Vernon for this unique round of European elections. It remains that in the commune, it will also be necessary to assimilate the 15.28% of the list of Manon Aubry (La France insoumise), the 5.4% of Marie Toussaint (EELV) and the 1.9% of Léon Deffontaine (Communist Party ). In other words, a total of around 34% on site. The level is high: during the first round of legislative elections in 2022, in Vernon, the Nupes pair also accumulated 26.64% of the votes in the locality. A push to finally be refined with the 35% of left-wing voters in the first round of the presidential election (28.15% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 5.15% for Yannick Jadot, 1.9% for Fabien Roussel and 1.24% for Anne Hidalgo).

18:42 – The performances of the National Rally in Vernon before the legislative elections

It’s difficult to clearly summarize all these figures. But some guidelines appear… If we extrapolate the progression of the National Rally observed in the last European elections on a national scale, i.e. around 8 points more for the Bardella list in 2024 than in 2019, the RN’s score could rise not far from 20% in Vernon. A figure which seems logical given the points also won by the political party in the area since 2019 until June 2024 and which in fact corresponds to 6 points of vote share.

15:31 – Jordan Bardella at 25.79% in Vernon on June 9

Mentioning the results of the most recent election also seems relevant when anticipating the vote on June 30. In detail, the National Rally list, with a certain Jordan Bardella as leader, won the European elections in Vernon. The ballot convinced 25.79% of the votes, against Valérie Hayer at 16.45% and Manon Aubry at 15.28%.

14:32 – 29.84% for Emmanuel Macron in the 2022 presidential election in Vernon

The preference of a city’s residents is probably most visibly reflected in the choices made during the election for the presidency of the Republic. Marine Le Pen did not really convince in the city in the first round of the 2022 presidential election, failing with 17.64% against 29.84% for Emmanuel Macron and 28.15% for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. And the RN boss lost to Emmanuel Macron in the second round with 33.16% against 66.84%.

12:32 – What result for the majority in the 2024 legislative elections in Vernon?

The verdict of the most recent legislative election is a key precedent at the time of the elections that are being played out. In the first round of the 2022 legislative elections, Vernon, covered by the 5th constituency of Eure, will see the La République en Marche duo win with 39.24%, while the National Rally will remain behind at 15.18%. The movement will still be unable to worry the winner, in the municipality in any case, in the second round.

11:02 – Vernon: legislative elections and demographic dynamics

In the city of Vernon, various demographic and socio-economic factors are likely to influence the results of the legislative elections. Young people and the unemployed play a crucial role in the city, with nearly 37% of the population being 29 years old and under, and an unemployment rate of 16.27%. The rate of households with at least one car (67.88%) shows a dependence on the automobile, which can affect the 7,447 voters on issues of transport and road development. In addition, the presence of an immigrant population of 18.17% and a foreign population of 14.27% indicates the influence of migratory flows on local demographics. Education data in Vernon highlights notable disparities in terms of education levels, with 15.43% of residents having obtained only the baccalaureate for example. This, coupled with income statistics, may influence concerns about the country’s policies on education and employment.

09:32 – Legislative elections kick off in Vernon: abstention in question

The abstention rate will undoubtedly constitute a determining factor in this 2024 legislative election in Vernon. As a reminder, in the city, participation in the 2022 legislative elections reached 48.34% in the first round and only 46.92% in the second round. At the level of the whole of France, participation was already scrutinized in June 2022. It reached 18% at 12 p.m. and only 39% at 5 p.m. for the first round, it was less than in 2017. Two years ago, during the first round of the last presidential election, the participation percentage reached 73.07% in the city. The participation rate was 71.28% in the second round, or 10,918 people.

08:02 – What time do polling stations close in Vernon?

Early legislative elections are being held this Sunday in Vernon. This ballot will make it possible to designate the 577 representatives of the Legislative Assembly elected for five years. For the record, the previous legislative elections followed the presidential election of April 2022, where the head of state was re-elected ahead of Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Which political coalition will manage to stand out during these legislative elections in Vernon? To carry out their electoral duty, the voters of the municipality have the possibility of going to the voting booth between 8am and 6pmopening hours of the 18 polling stations in Vernon (from Hotel de Ville to Foyer Residence des Personnes Agees Les Blancheres). You will find the results in Vernon right here from 8 p.m.



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