Poll: Harris outperforming Biden against Trump

Poll: Harris outperforming Biden against Trump
Poll: Harris outperforming Biden against Trump

In an article about Kamala Harris published Monday in The PressI explained that Joe Biden had decided to seek a second term in part because he did not believe his vice president could beat Donald Trump. According to the website Axios, he would use the same excuse to justify his refusal to withdraw from the race for the White House. However, according to a CNN/SSRS poll published this Tuesday, voters think that Harris would do better than him against the former president after the Atlanta fiasco.

Biden is garnering 43% of the vote to Trump’s 49%, while Harris is garnering 45% of the vote in a head-to-head matchup with Trump, who is credited with 47% of the vote. The vice president is also outperforming the president among independents and voters of color. While Trump is ahead of Biden by 10 percentage points among independents, Harris is ahead of him by 3 percentage points among the same group.

And Harris has a 29 percentage point lead among voters of color compared to Biden’s 21 percentage points.

No other potential replacement candidate is doing better than Harris against Trump.

Fully 75% of voters believe Democrats would have a better chance of beating Trump with a candidate other than Biden.

(Photos Getty Images)

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Categories: United States, PoliticsTags: Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris



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