5 municipalities commit to improving housing

This Tuesday, July 2, the signing of the convention for the programmed operation for the improvement of housing – Urban Renewal (OPAH-RU), known as “Cœurs de Bourgs” took place..

Twelve municipalities were screened, to be reduced to seven, then five. Clarensac, Générac, Manduel, Marguerittes and Milhaud thus joined the OPAH-RU system to revitalize their center. Géraldine Rey-Deschamps, deputy vice-president for housing and urban renewal at Nîmes Métropole, sets the scene: “some municipalities have experienced significant demographic growth, extensive urbanization with a predominance of single-family homes to the detriment of the hearts of Bourgs”. As a result, the latter, often “impoverished” with a good number of unsanitary and vacant housing, have seen their attractiveness plummet.

145 homes renovated over 5 years

The exercise is delicate, as municipalities must adapt their housing stock to needs while respecting environmental and regulatory constraints, like the ZAN (Zero Net Artificialization), imposing 0% artificialization by 2050. In collaboration with the urban planning agency Urbanis and through a long diagnostic phase with owners, 11 buildings representing 145 housing units divided between owner-occupiers and landlords will be rehabilitated over five years. Housing selected on purpose since it is considered unworthy or too energy-intensive. “It is also about promoting social diversity and protecting old heritage,” adds Géraldine Rey-Deschamps. As you will have understood, the project is multi-faceted, combining urban planning, attractiveness and social cohesion.

Who finances?

The budget is substantial. For monitoring and animation, Nîmes Métropole is financing up to €750,000, including €375,000 from Anah and €100,000 from Banque des Territoires. As for the works, the Agglo is financing up to €1.5M from its own funds, Anah is contributing more than €4M, the Gard Departmental Council up to €40,000, and finally the municipalities up to €945,000. Around the table, a multitude of stakeholders: the DDTM, the CAF du Gard, the EPF d’Occitanie, Banque des Territoires, the urban planning agency, municipalities, residents and owners. All converge towards improving the living environment, to make town centers “places where life is good”.

“Not to be penalized twice”

Frédéric Touzellier, Mayor of Générac and Vice-President of the Agglo, insists on co-construction: “we had to go and see the residents so that they would be stakeholders”, while emphasizing the difference in timeframe: “the mandate is 6 years, the project will last 10 years, we will have to wait a certain time to have results”. The municipalities are participating financially, as part of the renovation of the facades. The mayor of Générac is taking the opportunity to call for a better distribution of penalties for municipalities that are deficient under the SRU law, Solidarity and Urban Renewal, imposing 25% of social housing in municipalities with more than 3,500 inhabitants.

The penalty increases from 60,000 to 130,000 euros

“Our penalties can be used to finance this,” and thus avoid being taxed twice… The mayor of Manduel readily agrees, having seen his penalty increase from 60,000 to 130,000 euros. Christian Bastid, president of the Departmental Housing and Accommodation Agency (ADHL), is delighted that the Department is associated with the project. And to mention the 500 euro bonus to combat energy insecurity for owner-occupiers, under the Department’s Social Solidarity Scheme.

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