Legislative 2024. NFP, Ensemble, LR… What are the voting instructions for the second round?

Legislative 2024. NFP, Ensemble, LR… What are the voting instructions for the second round?
Legislative 2024. NFP, Ensemble, LR… What are the voting instructions for the second round?

The high turnout in this first round of legislative elections (between 65.5 and 67.7%) has resulted in a significant number of three-way races. Between 285 and 315, according to estimates. A configuration very largely favourable to the National Rally.

2024 legislative elections: follow the election evening in our live broadcast on Sunday June 30, 2024

In this context, the instructions of the different parties will be closely scrutinized. Candidates qualified for the second round (those who have reached 12.5% ​​of registered voters) have until 6 p.m. Tuesday to validate their registration at the prefecture.

Macron calls for a “clearly democratic and republican gathering”

As soon as the results were announced, Emmanuel Macron called, “facing the National Rally, a large, clearly Democratic and Republican gathering for the second round.” An instruction that requires clarification. Will the Ensemble candidates who came third withdraw in favor of the New Popular Front candidates? If it is an LFI candidate, that seems unlikely. For a socialist, an ecologist or a communist, that remains to be clarified.

In a press release, the presidential coalition Together for the Republic calls on its candidates who have arrived 3e to withdraw “for the benefit of candidates able to beat the National Rally and with whom [Ensemble partage] the essential: the values ​​of the Republic”, without clarifying its position with “rebellious” candidates.

The President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, is calling for a vote in favour “the most republican”, excluding certain left-wing candidates.

Former Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, president of the Horizons party, called on his party’s candidates who came in third place to withdraw to avoid the election of RN and LFI deputies.

Find the results of the first round of the legislative elections

LR does not give voting instructions

The Republicans, who came in fourth place with 10% of the vote, called for votes for their qualified candidates for the second round, refusing to give voting instructions in the other cases.

“Where we are not present in the second round, considering that voters are free to choose, we do not give national instructions and let the French people express themselves in conscience,” indicated the management of LR in a press release.

On the set of TF1MEP François-Xavier Bellamy clarified that “The danger that threatens our country today is the extreme left.”

LFI withdraws where it is in third position

On the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon announced that La France insoumise (LFI) “will withdraw” her candidacies in the constituencies where she came in third place and where the National Rally (RN) is in the lead ahead of the second round of the legislative elections.

“Nowhere will we allow the RN to win. […] Our instruction is simple, direct and clear. Not one vote, not one more seat for the RN,” urged the Insoumis leader, who described this election as “heavy and indisputable defeat” for President Emmanuel Macron.

“Seven days to avoid a catastrophe”, warns Raphaël Glucksmann

The instructions are shared by the other parties of the New Popular Front. Raphaël Glucksmann’s party, Place publique, asks all the parties that came in third place to withdraw from the RN in the event of a triangular vote in the second round of the legislative elections.

“History looks at us and judges us,” adds Place publique, which also calls for a “clear vote” against the RN candidates. “We have seven days to prevent France from a catastrophe,” warned Raphaël Glucksman.

Marine Tondelier calls for “a new republican front”

Marine Tondelier, national secretary of the Ecologists, calls for “construction of a new republican front” in the second round of the legislative elections, directly challenging Emmanuel Macron’s camp. “It would be incomprehensible if some people continued not to differentiate between the left and the extreme right,” she declared, calling on “centrist politicians” au “withdrawal if (they are) third in the triangular races, and if (they are) not qualified for the second round, a call to vote for a candidate who defends republican values.”



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