83 convictions in 2023, the CNDH calls for abolition – Telquel.ma

LThe CNDH stressed that, among those convicted, 81 received final sentences, while two cases are still under appeal. This situation persists despite the de facto moratorium on executions in force since 1993 and the constitutional affirmation of the right to life in Article 22.

The CNDH calls for a clear methodology from the authorities to organize a national dialogue on the abolition of the death penalty. This call is in line with Morocco’s previous commitments, such as the National Action Plan on Democracy and Human Rights 2018-2021.

During a press conference, Amina Bouayach stressed the importance of this legislative reform.In all global experiences, there was no societal consensus when this punishment was abolished.“, she said. She also criticized the absence of this question in the current draft reform of the Penal Code.

The CNDH continues to work with international partners to promote the abolition of the death penalty. These partners include the Danish Institute Against Torture, the Canadian Embassy in Morocco and Oxfam.

The abolition of the death penalty in Morocco remains a crucial goal for human rights defenders. The CNDH continues to advocate for bold and rapid legislative action. According to Bouayach, “Protecting the right to life is a fundamental value that requires decisive and courageous action from our leaders”.

In addition to the death penalty issue, the CNDH is also engaged on other human rights fronts. Reform of the Moudawana, or Family Code, is a key area. Bouayach has called for the criminalization of marital rape and the abolition of child marriage. She highlighted the tragic case of a young girl forced into marriage and accused of murder in a context of domestic violence.

In 2023, the CNDH received more than 3,000 complaints and requests for intervention, covering issues as diverse as environmental rights and allegations of torture. Protecting the social rights of women, girls and children remains a priority.

The report also addressed the steps taken towards restorative justice for the victims of Tazmamart, a notorious detention centre during the “Years of Lead”. DNA tests have been conducted on the deceased inmates, and the results will be announced soon. This initiative responds to a request from the association representing former inmates and their families, marking a significant step in the recognition of past suffering.



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