where to park and how to get around on July 12

Agen is expecting 15,000 people on Friday July 12 for the start of the 13e stage of the Tour de France. For an exceptional event, an exceptional system (1). Mayor Jean Dionis and his staff have been working on organizing the event for months. “Let’s take advantage of the presence of the best riders in the world, in a general public discipline. Because the arrival of Antoine Dupont and Kylian Mbappé in Agen is not for now!” smiles the mayor. This is one of the biggest promotional operations for the city [chaque étape du Tour est regardée par des millions de téléspectateurs, NDLR]We have to live up to the challenge and make this advertising campaign a success, the impact of which we will measure next year.”

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The race will start at 1:35 p.m. on the starting line (already marked), in front of 8 bis, avenue du Général-de-Gaulle, in Gravier. The international cyclists will then cover 4 kilometers through the city center, taking, in order, avenue du Général-de-Gaulle, boulevard Scaliger, boulevard Sylvain-Dumon, place du Pin, boulevard de la Liberté, Pont de pierre, Le Passage, then Roquefort, where the official start will be given. This sporting interlude will cause disruptions in the city center and its surroundings. Entertainment will also be offered throughout the day on Friday, July 12.

1Traffic and parking: what is prohibited?

On Thursday, July 11, several roads will be closed to parking from 2 p.m. In the Îles district, the quay and rue Baudin, the streets Duvergé, des Îles, Cale Abadie and du Péristyle du Gravier are affected. The parking lots of the service road and Gravier, Indigo and the Jasmin college will also be closed. Parking for residents in the Skating parking lot (by reservation) is possible. From 10 p.m., still on July 11, parking will be prohibited along the entire route. In terms of traffic, Avenue De-Gaulle will be closed between rue Palissy and boulevard Scaliger from 6 p.m. on July 11. The following day, traffic will be prohibited from 6 a.m. in the Îles district, at Gravier, and along the entire route from 10 a.m.

Where will the runners go? Which streets are closed? “Sud Ouest” tells you everything.

Loïc Déquier/SOUTH WEST

2Eight park and ride facilities on the outskirts of the city

4,000 parking spaces have been listed in eight park and ride lots to accommodate the 15,000 expected visitors. Three are at Passage, Hippodrome, Demi-Lune and the aerodrome. The remaining five are spread between Boé and Agen, in Donnefort, the Pin university, Enap, the Livestock Market and Passeligne. Six shuttles from the Tempo bus network – which cannot run on the usual lines – will make the round trips to the stopover village, from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

3Police and military: what security for such an event?

“This is an extraordinary deployment. The event deserves it,” insists Jean Dionis. In Agen, 120 national police officers will be mobilized to supervise the departure of this 13e stage. Alongside them, 29 municipal police officers, 25 soldiers on the outskirts of the public, 45 signallers from Enap and the City, 10 private security guards, as well as a hundred community agents. Note that two Red Cross posts will be present, Place Jasmin and in front of the Renault garage, Avenue De-Gaulle.

4Where to eat and have fun?

Friday July 12, three entertainment areas will be offered in the heart of the city. Around the departure village [auquel on ne peut accéder que sur invitation, NDLR]located on the Gravier peristyle, several stands will allow the hungry and thirsty to eat. Before the start, Romain Bardet groupies and others will be able to see the riders on the signature podium. After the starting gun, life will continue with entertainment throughout the city. From noon to 3 p.m., the traders of the covered market will prepare a dedicated plate, rue Parmentier. Place Jasmin will host BMX demonstrations, while on boulevard de la République and place Wilson, activities around two-wheelers will be offered. Note that the entire stage will be broadcast on a giant screen on place des Laitiers, and at Café Vélo, where many games and challenges will be on the program for the day.

Finally, early in the evening, to answer the call of the stomach, the owners of the Bistronome and the Vinivore will organize a bodega of the Tour restaurateurs, while the new season of Agen Village will be launched, place Esquirol.

(1) The cost of hosting the stage amounts to around 230,000 euros. The City, the Agglomeration, the Department and the Interprofessional Prune Bureau contribute to it.



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