2024 legislative elections: what are the results in Indre-et-Loire? Here are the scores of the 1st round | Le Courrier

2024 legislative elections: what are the results in Indre-et-Loire? Here are the scores of the 1st round | Le Courrier
2024 legislative elections: what are the results in Indre-et-Loire? Here are the scores of the 1st round | Le Courrier


Lucile Ageron

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 8:34 p.m.

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Here is how the inhabitants of Indre-et-Loire voted for the first round of early legislative elections, this Sunday, June 30, 2024.

At 5 p.m., like the participation nationally, that of the department displayed a record score. It was 60.04% against 46.40% at the same time in 2022.

Five constituencies, 31 candidates

Five constituencies cut out the territory:

  • the 1st includes the cantons of Tours;
  • the 2nd, the cantons of Amboise, Bléré, Château-Renault, Montlouis-sur-Loire, Vouvray;
  • the 3rd, the cantons of Chambray-lès-Tours, Descartes, Le Grand-Pressigny, Ligueil, Loches, Montbazon, Montrésor, Preuilly-sur-Claise, Saint-Avertin, Saint-Pierre-des-Corps;
  • the 4th, the cantons of Azay-le-Rideau, Ballan-Miré, Chinon, L’Ile-Bouchard, Joué-lès-Tours North, Joué-lès-Tours South, Richelieu, Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine;
  • the 5th, the cantons of Bourgueil, Château-la-Vallière, Langeais, Luynes, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, Tours North-West.

31 candidates presented themselves in the first round in the department for five seats to provide.

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THE outgoing deputies are: Charles Fournier (Les Ecologistes) in the 1st constituency; Daniel Labaronne (Renaissance) in the 2nd; Henri Alfandari (Horizons) in the 3rd; Fabienne Colboc (Renaissance) in the 4th; and Sabine Thillaye (MoDem) in the 5th.

What are the results ?

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