IN PICTURES – For its 90th anniversary, the Air Force offers a unique show at Versailles

IN PICTURES – For its 90th anniversary, the Air Force offers a unique show at Versailles
IN PICTURES – For its 90th anniversary, the Air Force offers a unique show at Versailles

This Friday, the Air and Space Force celebrated its 90th anniversary in the park of the Palace of Versailles.

A symbolic place, since it is from these gardens that the first hot air balloon launched into the sky in 1783.

Around 20,000 spectators attended this show, in which modernity and history were combined.

The perfect symmetry of the Patrouille de France enhances the splendor of the Palace of Versailles. This Friday, the Air and Space Force celebrated its 90th anniversary with a unique show in the park of the Palace of Versailles, which can be seen in the video at the top of this article. Around 20,000 spectators, their eyes fixed on the sky, attended this meticulously crafted show for an hour and fifteen minutes.


The ball was opened by the demonstration of the Phoenix team parachutists. As a return to the roots, it is in this place that the General Staff of the Air Force was installed in the 1930s. 90 years of history were celebrated through a symbolic image: that of a Rafale flying at less than 200 km/h alongside one of its ancestors, an old biplane.

The Air Force displayed its know-how. The goal of the maneuver? Encourage vocations. The army is looking for 4,000 new recruits this year. A fireworks show and an impressive drone ballet closed the evening. In the skies of Versailles, we could then discover the faces of the heroes of the Air Force, such as that of Captain Georges Guynemer, illustrious pilot of the First World War.

The TF1info editorial team | TF1 report: Pierre Corrieu, Serge Jou



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