Everything is going well in Beaumont

Everything is going well in Beaumont
Everything is going well in Beaumont

The many supporters of Beaumont-Saint-Cyr were not mistaken in bringing pirate flags with them on Saturday to Châtellerault. They set off to board the Montée-Rouge at the start of the afternoon, and left a few hours later with a nice haul consisting of a Reserve Challenge and an André-Tassin Cup thanks to the goals scored by Thiefaine Boutault and Mathis Pacreau respectively against Vicq-sur-Gartempe (1-0) and Mignaloux-Beauvoir (1-0). The ideal conclusion to a near-perfect season.

« Ni couillon, ni champion, Beaumont c’est Beaumont »

Because these last two trophies won by the pennant team and the 3 come in addition to the rises of the first reserve in Regional 3 and the 4 in Departmental 4. ” This is exceptionalrejoiced Jean-Yves Kaes, a “very happy president”as he described himself. Such a record is unheard of. The bar is high. But we will leave with sobriety, we will be humble and we will work as we have always done with the values ​​of the club. As we say at home: ”neither idiot nor champion, Beaumont is Beaumont. ”I think it’s a very beautiful maxim. » Which fits well with this very special club, which ignited the Montée-Rouge between smoke bombs, songs, clapping, banners whether in the stand or around the annex ground despite the rain.

Beaumont supporters brought the atmosphere to the Montée-Rouge.
© (Photo cor. NR-CP, Alain Biais)

“When I see the people there were despite the time, all the supporters, everything that was put in place, it’s greatassured Teddy Delineau, the coach of the first team. It’s cool to see everyone sharing, whether it’s the players from the four teams, the youngsters or the managers.” The entire Beaumont family.

While she will welcome goalkeeper Lukas Sassatelli (Chauvigny), midfielders Jonathan Brault (Neuville), Kylian Lamaison (SO Châtellerault), Charlie Bourse-Decroix (Availles-en-Châtellerault), defenders Brice Maquignon (Chauvigny) , Steven Robin (Neuville), striker Théo Fibich (3 Vallées) and seeing Alexis Marsilla return to the restart, Benjamin Jamet has integrated it since last season. And the manager of the victorious team of the Reserves Challenge does not regret it. “It’s an incredible opportunity for mehe said. When we see Teddy (Delineau) and Matthew (Moreau)the coaches of the first two teams, being in the stands to support us… This title is their title too.” Moreover, the coach with the backwards cap quickly shared it with them, bob on his head and trophy under his arm, by going to support the Blues, for the occasion, during the Tassin final won “with energy and with heart”said Teddy Delineau. “This is the reason why, over the past ten years, this club has seen a lot of progress among all the teams and some great cup runs., continued the technician. This is Beaumont’s DNA. » Where everything goes round…



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