Alain Berset’s impossible project: Switzerland

Yves Petignat


Published on June 30, 2024 at 09:14. / Modified on June 30, 2024 at 09:14.

Contradictions kill or make you fat, according to popular wisdom. We are therefore delighted to observe the consequences on the health of the UDC on the day when, for the tenth or twelfth time, it will demand to leave the Council of Europe, led since Tuesday by a former president of the Confederation. After having actively contributed to placing Alain Berset at the head of the continental organization for human rights, through the president of the Swiss delegation Alfred Heer*, the national right would not be at its first contradiction.

After all, hadn’t Alfred Heer himself requested the resignation of the President of the Confederation, in January 2023, for having lost all credibility in the affair of leaks from his department in the midst of the covid crisis? Today, he assures us that “Alain Berset is good. As a Swiss, he knows how democracy works.” For the moment, the contradictions would rather make the SVP grow.

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