the ephemeral roof of the Sainte-Catherine church is now 40 meters high

the ephemeral roof of the Sainte-Catherine church is now 40 meters high
the ephemeral roof of the Sainte-Catherine church is now 40 meters high

It is now topped with a huge umbrella made of metal and plastic sheeting. The Sainte-Catherine church in Villeneuve-sur-Lot will be able to experience the first phase of its renovation, the repair of the roof, after the construction of a floor for the workers and the dismantling of the current roof. To successfully complete the construction of a new roof, it was necessary to raise a temporary roof to a height of more than 40 meters, which will last for the duration of the work. A stage that took three weeks of work…

The pieces of metal framework were assembled on the ground before being hoisted. Each of them weighed 700 kilos.

Annabel Perrin

Monday 3rd june. A 60-metre crane is set up at the crack of dawn, blocking access to Rue des Girondins, to hoist the replacement frame piece by piece. A team of five people, specialists in this type of construction site, are present to carry out the mission: a crane operator to manoeuvre around the boom, three scaffolders to receive and assemble the metal pieces, and a technician on the ground to assemble and harness them.

The arrival of the crane caused the closure of rue des Girondins.

Annabel Perrin

The crane is 60 meters high to be able to pass over the bell tower.

Annabel Perrin

Eight elements of 700 kilos each must leave the ground one by one, to be received on the roof of the church. In total, the metal framework will weigh 7 tons.

Wednesday June 7th. The crane left, freeing up the rue des Girondins, without having finished the work. One of its cables twisted, making it impossible to continue the work. The latter will therefore be delayed by a few days, the development of the scaffolding will not resume until Monday, June 10, with the arrival of a new machine. There are then six elements of the framework to be hoisted, over two days of work.

Wednesday June 12. The last trip in the air involved the 22 60-kilo tarpaulins needed to cover it. 800 m² of plastic hoisted in one go on a pallet and which will protect the building from bad weather, once its roof covering has been removed.

Eight metal frame elements were installed one by one.

Annabel Perrin

Throughout the rather spectacular operation, the people of Villeneuve stopped one after the other to admire, with their eyes fixed on the sky, the church acquiring its new metal cap. Some, in admiration, even struck up a conversation with the team in place, who are quite experienced in the exercise since their men experience eight to nine construction sites of this type per year.

From September, the workers responsible for replacing the framework will be busy under the new marquee.

There were three scaffolders, accustomed to this type of construction site, balancing above Sainte-Catherine.

Annabel Perrin

A total of 7 tons of metal were installed above the roof of the church.

Annabel Perrin




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