A music teacher in a college, he is also the organist of Sées Cathedral.

A music teacher in a college, he is also the organist of Sées Cathedral.
A music teacher in a college, he is also the organist of Sées Cathedral.


Antoine Sauvetre

Published on

June 30, 2024 at 6:12 a.m.

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When Thibault Bitschené does not face his students at Saint-Exupéry college, in Alençon (Orne), he plays with his back to his audience!

Organist of the Sees Cathedral Since 2018, the 46-year-old music teacher has had the particularity of adapting to the atmosphere of classrooms as much as to the atmosphere of a place of worship. But always for the same passions: musique and the transmission.

“Bathing in it”

Born in 1977 in Orléans, Thibault Bitschené admits to having been “bathed in it since [son] younger age”. Because before him, his father and his grandfather handled the consoles during religious ceremonies in their respective cities.

For young Thibault, theorgan was therefore more “family music” than religious.

Finally, masses have always been, for me, a way to practice a majestic but difficult to access instrument.

Thibault Bitschené, organist of Sées Cathedral

And particularly complex could we complete.

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Organist since the age of 12

The Orléanais assiduously installed himself in front of this “incredible machine” from age 12after having listened to his ancestors for a long time and observed their movements.

Because playing the organ is also an activity that deserves to be seen, the instrument being handled as much with the hands, on three keyboardsthat with the feet, on a pedal board.

A contortionist act that never scared him. “For me, given my family’s background, it happened quite naturally, without thinking too much about it in the end.”

Playing the organ requires unfailing dexterity and a fine knowledge of the different sounds. ©L’Orne Hebdo

Except that, since then, the forty-year-old has made a solid reputation in the middle.

After winning the first organ prize in 1997, this student of renowned organists obtained his final diploma in 2002. With the congratulations of the juryand certainly of the whole family.

Father of Orne organists

Became music teacher“like my two brothers”, in an establishment in Mantes-la-Jolie (Yvelines), he finally returned to his academy in Orléans-Tours for a few years before giving in to the sirens of the Alençonnais Stéphane Caillaux, then a priest at the parish of Saint-Martin-de-L’Aigle.

“He gave me access to the parish organ, of which I became the owner in 2008,” rewinds the person concerned.

In 2016, it was in this context that he accompanied the organist of Sées Cathedral during a concert. “Two years later, I replaced him,” he smiles.

Thibault Bitschené measures his “luck” to be at the head of the main organ of the diocese.

Being a titular organist at Sées Cathedral (seat of the diocese of Séez, editor’s note) is a bit like being the father of all the organists in the department.

Thibault Bitschené

“The Sées organ is a fabulous and remarkable instrument, even when seen from abroad,” knows the man who has a solid address book for having renowned organists play during the organ festivallaunched this Sunday, June 30, 2024 at the Basilica of Alençon.

“Like in a big kitchen”

A true lover of this “incredible machine”, the organist still enjoys operating it.

But also make it accessible, explain it. “The organ is the only instrument where the musician plays from inside his instrument,” he reminds, pulling the register and combination buttons or pressing the expression pedals.

In front of an organ, you’re like in a big kitchen, with a whole bunch of spices, but you can’t put them all in, otherwise it’s not good.

Thibault Bitschené

“The organ is an orchestra all by itself!” he likes to repeat, “with infinite possibilities.”

And while classical music remains the preferred genre, Thibault does not hesitate to demonstrate rock or pop tunes. Because while these students “can’t imagine” having an organ player as a teacher, he also knows how to speak to the younger generations!

Organ festival, from Sunday June 30 until Sunday August 25, 2024. A concert at 5 p.m. every Sunday in the summer, alternating at the Sées cathedral and the Alençon basilica.

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