An evening to the sound of poetry

An evening to the sound of poetry
An evening to the sound of poetry

Beaune Accueille au fil du temps is organizing a new reading under the lime tree on Friday, July 5. Poetry will be in the spotlight with Monscyner.

This year again, the association “Beaune Accueille au fil du temps” is organizing its traditional “reading under the lime tree” on Friday July 5 under the tree near the church.

It will be hosted on the one hand by two members, Claude Moreaux and Isabelle Bidet, who will read excerpts from books, and on the other hand by a poet-author, Monscyner.

Two collections

He will present some of his poems on the theme of countryside landscapes, adolescence or even homage to great poets such as Victor Hugo or Arthur Rimbaud. He will also present his two collections of poems (De Temps à Autre edition).

Those who wish can bring their picnic basket at 7 p.m. for a shared meal before the reading begins at 8 p.m.

Participants will need to bring a sweater (just in case) and a seat. If it rains, the event will take place at the library.

Practical. Free entry. For any information, contact Annie Valnaud on 04.70.64 37.77.



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