Breaking news: Montreal activists block railway line (…)

*#boycottZim #desinvestir4Palestine #blocktherails #FreePalestine


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The Zionist state could not continue its violent occupation without material support from Western states. *All trade with so-called Israel, not just arms exports, supports genocidal violence and must be stopped.* Canadian goods and capital make genocide possible in Palestine: whether industrial goods

sent to compensate for lower production because reservists who work in factories are called to fight in Gaza, or even capital sent to buy oranges which are sold throughout Quebec. This blockage aims to temporarily disrupt trade, draw attention to Canada’s material support, and inspire other direct actions of boycott, divestment and sanctions.

(BDS)“, said Fadwa Tuqan.

In May, we saw Montrealers take the BDS fight to new heights, with students building encampments to push their universities to divest and boycott. The encampment movement has now expanded to demand that the CDPQ divest and that Quebec close the Quebec-Israel office.”, said Dominique Gagnon of the blockage. “*We continue to strategically lobby for state and institutional adoption of BDS, but we also make

direct actions to enforce the boycott ourselves*.”

The whole world just watches as the Zionist aggressor bombs, shoots, buries, starves and denies life-saving medical aid to Palestinians, simultaneously destroying all infrastructure and poisoning the land. We must support Palestine in concrete ways” said Dominique Gagnon, an organizer of the blockade.We have made petitions,

statements, and resolutions, and it didn’t work.* Today we are blocking the rails used to transfer goods between Canada and the Zionist entity because the entire political class has abandoned Palestine.*”

The CN is a key player in the establishment and maintenance of Canadian colonialism. Zim was founded in 1945 as a Zionist project to support the colonization of Palestine and the creation of the Zionist state, three years before Israel was supposedly recognized by Western states following their massacre and displacement of European Jews.

Until the early 2000s, Zim was still partially state-owned. In the context of the current escalation, its CEO is committed…>
to what his boats “be directed, with the highest priority, to transfer cargo from anywhere in the world to Israel, according to the requests and needs of the Ministry of Defense and the

government of Israel.”

“Canada supports the genocide and occupation diplomatically and materially,” said Hannah Omini. “Its strong alliance with Israel is not surprising, given that it is also a colonial state and relies on resources, land and labor stolen from colonized peoples here and around the world. We call for more direct BDS actions to stop the genocide, end the occupation, and liberate Palestine.

Source :

Ad-hoc BDS direct action collective


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