Parents demonstrate and call for Royal intervention

Parents demonstrate and call for Royal intervention
Parents demonstrate and call for Royal intervention

As previously announced, parents of students in the faculties of general medicine, pharmacy and dentistry held a “ manifestation of anger and resistance » this Saturday June 29, 2024 in front of the Parliament in Rabat. An action aimed at supporting their children in claiming their legitimate right to quality medical and pharmaceutical training.

© Mounir Mehimdate

The parents of the medical students explain that this demonstration is a response to the way in which the authorities are dealing with this issue. They denounce the interruption of dialogue, the loss of academic time and the worsening of a crisis that impacts not only their children and families, but also the country’s health system, leading to disastrous consequences.

© Mounir Mehimdate

Having not found a solution ” convincing “With government officials, parents call for the intervention of King Mohammed VI and royal instructions to find an urgent solution to this crisis, in order to preserve the rights of these young people and to guarantee the success of the great royal project of reform of the health system.

© Mounir Mehimdate

« We have every confidence and conviction that the intervention of His Majesty, may God assist him, will bring an adequate, curative and just solution to this crisis, and will at the same time be the balm and the remedy for all“, affirm the parents of future doctors in a statement to Hespress FR.

© Mounir Mehimdate

They add that the demonstration also aims to do justice to their children by ensuring that they receive theoretical training and a number of hours of clinical internships equivalent to those of previous and future promotions. They consider that the reduction of clinical internship hours from 4,500 to 3,900 hours is a ” injustice« .

The parents explain that their decision to organize this demonstration follows several steps and attempts to resolve the crisis.

In a statement to Hespress FR, they claim to have knocked on the doors of faculties, administrations, government sectors concerned, as well as certain constitutional institutions, but in vain. They also say they have contacted parliamentary groups, political parties, unions, professional bodies, civil society associations and the national media, but without any results.

© Mounir Mehimdate

« We organized several peaceful demonstrations alongside our children, wrote to the head of government and signed a national petition to ask for the opening of dialogue“, they specify, adding that despite all their efforts, the door to dialogue has remained closed, despite the signs of relaxation observed at the beginning of June.

© Mounir Mehimdate

Thus, the parents of future doctors denounce the unilateral imposition of the second semester exams at an inopportune time for the students, which led to the boycott, once again, of the spring session exams announced at the last minute, on June 25, by the government spokesman, Mustapha Baitas, during a special press conference. The parents therefore regret the absence of any rapid, serious and responsible reaction to stop the haemorrhage and the disregard for the serious consequences of this situation.



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