DISCOVERY (N°6) – Kush: A Drug Based on Human Bones from Sierra Leone, Extends its Influence to Senegal

DISCOVERY (N°6) – Kush: A Drug Based on Human Bones from Sierra Leone, Extends its Influence to Senegal
DISCOVERY (N°6) – Kush: A Drug Based on Human Bones from Sierra Leone, Extends its Influence to Senegal

Senegal is facing a new and growing threat: the epidemic of “kush,” a synthetic drug that is wreaking havoc across West Africa. Recently, Senegalese authorities have stepped up their efforts to combat this growing threat, as evidenced by recent arrests of traffickers.

On May 29, elements of the Bel-Air district police station made an arrest at mole 4 of the Dakar Autonomous Port. A 23-year-old Guinean national was arrested in possession of 40 tablets of “kush”, a synthetic drug which is spreading rapidly in the region. This arrest underlines the seriousness of the situation and the need for increased vigilance by the authorities to counter the trafficking of this devastating drug.

“Kush” is known for its dangerous composition, often laced with harmful chemicals such as acetone, making it both a cheap and extremely addictive substance. Originating in Sierra Leone, the drug quickly crossed borders thanks to well-established trafficking networks in the region, also affecting countries such as Guinea and Liberia.

In response to this crisis, Senegalese authorities are stepping up security and awareness measures. Cross-border collaboration is essential to counter “kush” trafficking, given the porous land borders with affected neighboring countries. In addition, awareness campaigns are underway to inform and educate communities about the dangers of this drug and the telltale signs of drug use among youth.

As Senegal struggles to stem this growing threat, it is crucial that prevention and law enforcement efforts are strengthened to protect youth and preserve public safety.



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